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Advertising options and prices for Stuck In The Past

Location Size Price/Month Price/6 Months
5% discount
Price/12 Months
10% discount
large side banner 270x150 $20.00 $114.00 $216.00
small side banner 125x125 $10.00 $57.00 $108.00

Contact us to run a banner ad on Stuck In The Past.

Since 2008, Stuck In The Past has been the most used source for all things 90's Hardcore.  We receive approximately 700 - 1,100 visitors per day and roughly 21,000 - 31,000 per month with over 1,400 page views per day.  When using Google search, Stuck In The Past is a top result for a large majority of bands associated with 90's Hardcore and even with news for current bands, resulting in many new visitors all the time.  Given that our readers are coming to the site for music related information, banner ads can be especially beneficial for directing traffic to bands, labels, distros, shirt printers, books, etc.

If you're interested in running an ad on Stuck In The Past, please Contact us.