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Monday, February 2, 2009

Syracuse Hardcore Special

Anyone who knows me knows I love all things Syracuse Hardcore. So in preparation of the year to come which will see releases of the Another Victim discography, Earth Crisis's first new record since 2000, and Unholy's new record, here is a Syracuse Hardcore Special focusing on shirts from some of the finest bands (Labels and events included) to come out of the fine city of Syracuse. Someone needs to do a blog documenting the Syracuse scene like the South Florida Scene (cough, Guav, cough)

Cabal Clothing - DJ and Guav ran the best clothing company for hardcore kids. The quality was always top-notch and the designs were always fun.

Reaper Records - Patrick Kitzel keeping in real

The Promise - torchbearers of straight edge in the early 2000s

Path of Resistance - THE hardcore supergroup featuring members of Earth Crisis among others.

Hellfest 2000 - 3 days (actually 2) of great bands, great friends and no fights.

Green Rage - Bootleg shirt from a great band that only released 1 record then became Gatekeeper.

Earth Crisis - If I have to tell you about my love for this band, its gonna take some time. European tour shirt from 1995 screened by Cabal

Black SS - current Syracuse straight edge heroes

Another Victim - first design for this great vegan straight edge band.


  1. I would do a Syracuse blog except that I have an absolutely atrocious memory :)

    Oh, and I have only heard two songs off the new ExC, but I can assure you that you are NOT going to be disappointed.

  2. Well you need to get together with someone who does and document it. Just sayin...

    As far as the new record goes, you know thats what I like to hear. Super pumped

  3. I have that ExC 1995 Euro tour shirt too, saw em on that tour... Shirt is still in pretty good shape considering I've worn it loads of times.

  4. Guav, please don't do this to us..."only" two...argh....but, they are not NU metal, right? ;)

    re:shirts, wow, pink EXC shirt, hehe, looks great

    hope they will come at least somewhere near Serbia

  5. No, they are not nĂ¼ metal. Trust me, they are exactly what you want them to be. You are going to be stoked.

  6. My day too. although I trusted they were going to come through.

  7. There are a few Syracuse demos (and the history to go along with them) in my blog. I've lived in a lot of places, so I'm posting stuff that I've picked up everywhere throughout the years. Right now the Blood Runs Black, Eternal Youth and Order of Deceit Demo are all up, check em out if you get a chance!
    Man I need that Flakjacket demo so bad!! Anybody?

  8. I never ever lose shirts... but two of the maybe three I can not account for are in this post... That Promise L/S and right under it that Path shirt... I lost them like 2 years ago at least. My life sucks.

  9. Great shirts, again!
    Black SS is a really good band!

  10. The AV shirt was suppose to be on "brick red", instead it came in this wonderful fuschia color (as if brick red wasn't an atrocious enough move).

    And as for the new ExC — the entire record is a fucking masterpiece of brutality.

  11. i just got a wicked path shirt, with godzilla on the back of it.

  12. I was seriously going to buy beat me to it

  13. the Path shirt?
    from pauly?

  14. One day I will have a Rebel Alliance shirt...even if I have to make it myself!

    That's one of the coolest designs ever!

  15. You never know Eric, they may get re-printed one of these days ...

  16. Guav where can i get one of those amazing 315 jerseys. I'm from utica but im always in syracuse skating at the everson museum but i really wanna get one of those. or whoever has one should get ahold of me.
