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Friday, April 3, 2009

New Poll!!! Best 90s Florida Hardcore Band

Yes I know I'm from Florida so I'm partial but this was actually Justin's idea. In the 90s, Florida was a hotbed for hardcore and I feel like these bands really represent what was going at the time. I'm sure I left out some bands (Reversal of Man, Dragbody, As Friends Rust, etc) but again we couldn't have 34073245 choices. Let us hear your voice...also if you have any suggestions for a poll please leave a comment so we can add it.


  1. You're obviously from Miami. Even still, there where way better bands from Miami than most of these bands (Cavity and Floor to name a few). The only band I would consider being even remotely good from Florida on your list is Bloodlet. But, what do I know? I am from Tampa.

  2. None of those bands were really hardcore, they were all metal core.

    And going with the Miami thing you should throw in Timescape Zero.

    And for Tampa how about Failure Face.

  3. How about The Believers.

  4. This is pretty funny. I remember back in '94 when the guys from Last to Go beat the shit out of Culture, who were playing in Tampa. Culture didn't show their faces around Tampa for a while. Those LTG guys were scary. They may not have been the best band, but they certainly were the biggest dudes in the pit for a while.

  5. I forgot about Timescape Zero! Kali calls!

    I'm gonna go find that right now.

  6. Left out Machine, Quit and Load as well, though one could argue that Quit wasn't exactly hxc. But that machine 7inch was good.

  7. I mainly picked the bands who were known on a national scale. You can actually download all of those bands on the South Florida Music Scene page

  8. you'll have to remember that bloodlet turned into a metal joke like the rest of these god awful bands that are listed here. what about palatka? end of the century party? assuck? all that stuff you listed was just a bunch of chuga-chuga nonsense that most people laughed about. and if i recall, got heckled quite frequently. my vote from your list? none of em.

  9. then why didnt you label your lame poll: "Best southern Florida metalcore band from 1996-1999"? I think that would be more appropriate.

    As for my vote on a band that came out of Florida and had the most inter/national influence, hands down it was Assuck. Why aren't they on your list?

  10. Anonymous dude that left a couple of post naming bands that were known only in local area, but not internationally should have at least some basic culture to state his/her real name or something

    Yes, most of these bands are metalcore or even just metal, bit in case you didn't noticed, this whole site goes much into that direction and if you don't like it, just skip it. There are plenty of blogs with "real" hardcore punk

    Considering part of the world I come from, Shai Hulud and than Culture and Morning Again had most impact.

    I would like to see also As Friends Rust there, as I like Demian's vocals most (so voted Culture + that kind of music is fully my loved style)

  11. what a bunch of whiny tards.

    "metalcore" didn't exist until around 2000 or so, when a bunch of whiny nerds got on the intarweb and decided to make hardcore into 55 genres that only douches care about.

    and the fact that you're whining about "metalcore" and hardcore shows that you think hardcore is defined by just the music. it never was. at least until the hc scene died, and a bunch of whiny nerds decided to make it 55 genres...

  12. I wish Strongarm was on the poll. One of my favorite 90's hardcore bands from anywhere. I'll have to go with Shai Hulud because of similar stylings.

  13. Assuck were/are known internationally, and much more than a lame band like Culture.

  14. >>"metalcore" didn't exist until around 2000 or so,

    Your wrong. There were a shit-ton of sub-genres in the hardcore scene during the 90s, including "metalcore" or what others called chugga-chugga-e. Emo, screamo, emo-violence, powerviolence, grindcore, metalcore, indie, traditional hardcore, youth crew, etc etc.

    >>and the fact that you're whining about "metalcore"

    no one's whining about "metalcore" per se. What we are saying is that the FL hardcore scene was a lot bigger and more influential than a bunch of no-neck douches playing shitty hardcore for no-neck douches.

    I've lived in 4 different areas in the U.S. and other than this poll, I have heard no one comment on Culture or Shai-halud as good bands from FL. End of The Century Party, Jud Jud, Assuck, Palatka, ROM, Cavity, and Bloodlet have all been bands that were much more influential outside of the FL scene.

  15. nah.

    i went to about 45 million shows in the 90s. never heard "metalcore" until after the scene died, and when a bunch of dorks were whining on the intarweb. it wasn't until and etc.

    know what we called "metalcore" or "chugga-chugga?" hardcore. if anything, the term was metallic hardcore. emotional hardcore. etc.

    and interesting. all over the northeast and southwest, hc kids thought/think that culture and shai hulud were good (i think shai's super over-rated and basically just rode damian's songs for as long as they could, but that's me).

  16. Obviously, most of the Anonymous comments have been made by people (or one single person) who don't read this blog on a regular basis. This blog is mainly dedicated to the "chug"-type bands and the poll that was created reflects that. If you don't like it then I'm sure there are plently of other blogs that will suit you fine.

    xchipxsem stated that the poll could have had tons of bands on it. And I'm sure he knows that there are plenty of great bands other than the ones he listed. But once again, this blog caters to a certain style of hardcore, so get over it.

  17. Did someone really say that Jud Jud were influential? Jesus fucking Christ. The constant pissing and moaning about polls makes me hope we never do one again. If you've got such an issue, start your own damn blog, and create your own polls.

  18. Maybe we just commented on this blog so we could listen to you whine about us posting on this blog. I love how touchy people get about their overly metallic hardcore. Integrity for Hardcore band of the millennia!!!!!!

    In another ten years people will still be talking about Youth of Today and Minor Threat, can you honestly see that happening to any of the bands mentioned in the poll?

  19. Fuck Culture, Tension FTW

  20. "In another ten years people will still be talking about Youth of Today and Minor Threat, can you honestly see that happening to any of the bands mentioned in the poll?"

    well... it's been appx 10-11 years since most of them ended, as of now. and you're yapping.

    so yeah, in another 10, they'll probably be some moron whining about them being called hardcore, instead of spacemutantguncore, which will be the new cyberwhine term for it, then. and another douche will be whining about how it should be called "metalcore."

  21. Morning Again +1.

    Another band that hasn't been suggested yet but was pretty damn sweet is Cease. Probably would've been my #1 choice had they been listed.

  22. Well, after 10 years I will still listen to Culture, and I will teach my kids to listen to chug core (open e- crunch core) mosh metal, metal mosh chug core....are you happy... ;P


  23. "spacemutantguncore"

    Maybe the best sub-genre ever!!!!!

    Classifying my Culture stuff as that on iTunes right now.

  24. I find it funny that robmafia is complaining about everyone whining when he is the most guilty of it.

    Also overuse of the words intraweb and douche.

  25. I am trying to figure out what qualifies as a "national" band. Most of the none-poll bands people mentioned did tour and were known some both internationally and nationally. Is it more of a "were on a national label"?

    My big issues is that a lot of the none-poll bands got lumped in as emo because no one could figure out what they were (End of the Century Party, Palatka) Assuck was just outright metal if not bordering Death Metal, Floor and Cavity were just heavy and Failure Face was probably more powerviolence. (I guess I am going to get whined at by the one guy for over-classifying).

    Like he said, the poll can't have a million bands on it but it could go up to ten and still be worthwhile.

    I think the best question is who is not on this poll that should be? You add Dragbody, Reversal of Man and As Friends Rust (then again so many Damien fronted bands makes it unfair) and you still have two spots to give people 10 choices. Who is missing?


  26. Holy fuck people are even pickier than I am. Whoever said that no one has ever called Shai Hulud a good band outside this poll is insane. They're one of the greatest bands ever to walk the earth (granted their most recent album disappointed me, but still).

    And Bloodlet fucking DESTROYED. They were so fucking killer, especially up through "Entheogen".

  27. Does anyone remember the pre-Bloodlet band? Was the singer and guitar player.

    I saw them play a couple times but can never remember their name.

  28. "I find it funny that robmafia is complaining about everyone whining when he is the most guilty of it.

    Also overuse of the words intraweb and douche."

    - waa.

  29. So is Agnostic front not a hardcore band because they added mix into the mix?

    A while back there was a poll that I didn't gree with choices so you know what I did. I didn't vote. I didn't whine I just forgot about it.

  30. how the fuck could bloodlet NOT win this by a landslide?! SHAI HULUD is beating them!?

  31. oh, and a girl i went to high school with (in the seattle area) but haven't talked to in like 10 years is now engaged to the dude from Timescape Zero! WTF?! i forget his name, its the dude who did the zine feast of hate and fear. talk about a small, strange world! she wasn't into hardcore or anything in the slightest in high school.

  32. Bird of ill omen owned them all WTF

  33. cant believe only 1 person mentioned strongarm. wild. since they werent mentioned, guess shai hulud, culture, bloodlet or floor.

  34. Just to end this argument I'll throw out my old shitty '90s hardcore band HANGMAN! Timescape Zero was basically this band after I left (got booted) and Adel stepped in.

    Other good hardcore bands from back then were the Believers, FWA, Beyond Reason, Ego Trip, LOad, Indecision, and best of all POWERHOUSE.

    So that's my official vote: POWERHOUSE (who had an amazing EP)

  35. why are all these fucks being such assholes? you are the same dudes on the internet making up wild for the best band, STRONGARM. love the blog by the way, hate the haters

  36. Anonymous said...

    I wish Strongarm was on the poll. One of my favorite 90's hardcore bands from anywhere. I'll have to go with Shai Hulud because of similar stylings.
    April 4, 2009 7:03 PM

  37. Palatka was the best 90's hardcore band. The rest of that tough guy shit can eat a corpse's cock.

  38. I remember 1994/1995 in the Order of Importance / Reversal of Man days in Tampa. Those were good times.

  39. fuck bloodlet. they passed their "use by" date right after their first album.......dragbody was a far better band who kept getting better with each record........

    order of importance...haha, good band, florida's answer to my hometown heros jihad (who would win this poll hands down if they came from florida instead of michigan) too bad those OOI dudes turned into goth dudes who hung out at "vampire" clubs in the later 90s/early 2000s....

    aside from ed matus struggle and for a very brief period, bird of ill omen, i was never a fan of any of that miami shit.......i think this poll needed more no idea bands

  40. I randomly found this.......funny debate here.......I must clear the air. I was in order of importance and none of us turned into goth dudes who hung out at vampire clubs.

  41. Where can I get a copy of the Order of Importance / Never Again split 7"?

  42. hahaha NONE. they were all so generic.

    the only florida bands that should get any props is Florida death metal
