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Thursday, May 14, 2009

All Out War - Truth In The Age Of Lies

The first full length from NY's All Out War. Long out of print, I finally got a copy in the mail today off of Ebay for .99 cents. I did a high quality 320 kbps rip of the record and a nice high quality scan of the record cover. I had heard rumors of a re-release of this but nothing to show for it. Enjoy.

All Out War - Truth In The Age Of Lies


  1. awesome record just got my vinyl copy on ebay!

  2. I absolutely love this record. I have it on red with black splatter, and it's one of my favorite looking records.

  3. amazing record,i saw them before 2 years in germany,total disaster

  4. You should post up a review or download link or something of the other CD you received in that package. I'll send the Media Fire link if you're interested.

  5. Dunno if that other anonymous commenter meant that he say them in Germany 2 years back, but I did, and it was indeed pretty disappointing. Played a few cuts from this record though.
