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Friday, May 8, 2009

I'm goint to the Undertow/Unbroken show on Saturday!

To make a long story short, my wife clearly loves me, because I got a surprise email yesterday with a flight itinerary to California for the show! If you see me there, please feel free to say hi.


  1. Cool! Make sure to go to Amoeba in Hollywood. Also, if you're not already booked up on Saturday and want to meet up for lunch or whatever, call me on my cell.

  2. full 90s fashion in effect!!

    baggy shorts

    back pack

  3. You have no idea how jelous i am
    i been planing my trip to states to see this show since 7 months ago, when the first rumors start around....
    Right now i'm stuck in this tragic city in South america, seen everything on internet...
    oh yeah, thanks for it!

  4. She's a keeper!
