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Tuesday, July 27, 2010

All Out War: Into The Killing Fields - Out August 3, 2010

Finally!!! The new All Out War record, "Into The Killing Fields", is coming out Tuesday, August 3 via Victory Records. We haven't received a promo copy of the record yet but based on how good the last record "Assassins In The House Of God" was, I'm betting this will be right on par. The band hasn't put up a song yet but when they do, we'll keep you posted. Victory is offering a preorder which includes a long sleeve t-shirt and the CD or a long sleeve t-shirt and the release on vinyl. Regardless of how people feel about Victory Records, All Out War is still a solid band and deserves the support. Pick up the record next week or click the preorder links below.

Into The Killing Fields CD and Long Sleeve T-Shirt Package

Into The Killing Fields 2x LP and Long Sleeve T-Shirt Package

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