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Thursday, December 9, 2010

"Straight Edge and Domestic U.S. Terrorism"??? "Straight Edge, Juggalos a danger in the U.S."???

I've heard some whoppers in my 40 years but this one takes the cake.

Thank you to Jose Galvan for making me aware of this.


  1. more recognizable than goths???

  2. ATF prevented Straight Edge from being added to the list of domestic terrorist organizations in the pre-9/11 era. The committee was convened by FBI and had a bunch of Federal LE reps. When Straight Edge was proposed, the ATF rep shot it down furiously. Thankfully, his son was then and is now STRAIGHT EDGE.

  3. I just read this crap and headed her to post it...this is the worst shit I have ever read about straight edge...

  4. "Punk culture was angry and cynical. By 1979, the movement was over..."
