In the past, we've posted a couple of old Hardline zines. I received an email that a few of the old links were down so I'll try and get those fixed. In the mean time, here's a copy of "Forward To Eden: A Guideline To Hardline Viewpoints" from Upstate Hardline. Though it may be considered an outdated radical concept, Hardline was still a part of hardcore history that people either loved or despised. I tend to try and keep my personal opinions aside from what I post but I will say, though I am still straight edge, I do not believe in the Hardline philosophy. That said, click the link below to get a glimpse inside the world of Hardline.
Hardline Zine: "Forward To Eden: A Guideline To Hardline Viewpoints"
be good if you could get a copy of vanguard 8 posted onto this, if only to see the transition that elements within that subculture took towards islamism