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Monday, April 6, 2015

Earth Crisis 1993 demo redux.

Halfway through a show on December 29th, 1992, a band of lanky young guys in hoodies and striped baggy shirts set up and began a wall of feedback. The singer yelled “put up your hoods!” and the place and band exploded. What happened was monstrous. The energy level was off the charts and provided me with one of the most strikingly incredible memories of the time; a girl in a Real Skateboards long sleeve shirt straight up LEVELING dudes in the pit. It was like bearing witness to the second coming- everything about the set and the reaction it generated made me believe that the straight edge vegan revolution was real. This was my introduction to Earth Crisis.

A few weeks later, a friend of mine tracked down a copy of the “All Out War” ep. I sat in his room listening to it and it was literally nothing like the band I had just seen. It lacked the insane energy and power that had floored me and was kind of, well, flat. I joined Halfmast in the summer of 1993 and the bass player, Bill, dubbed me a copy of some new Earth Crisis stuff, which I recall he got from Mike Warden (Conquer the World Records) and THAT WAS THE STUFF! It sounded like revolution to me: crazy, exciting and dangerous. I listened to that dub at least a hundred times. Although a watershed moment in hardcore, I thought the “Firestorm” ep paled in comparison and at the Firestorm record release show that October, they were just more tame than when I has seen them less than a year previous. I'm not saying it was bad, it was good; the show just had a less urgent, more relaxed vibe.

Since 1993, I've played shows with and seen Earth Crisis many times, but nothing connected with me like that first show or the 1993 demo. When my friend Carl said he still had digitized files from a dub he thinks  got from Guav in 93 (he used to do a ‘zine called Warmachine), I knew it had to be better than the stuff that’s been out in the digital world for the past 10+ years. So here it is, cleaned up as best I could, the 8 song 1993 Earth Crisis Demo.  Oh yeah, “Time of Strife” from the structure records comp, I digitized that last year, but did not include it here, as I'll be adding that to the blog in the near future.


  1. I do not think I could possibly thank you enough.

  2. Carl Gambrell,I currently reside in his hometown... fantastic melodic guitar player-one of the first people i met when i fell into the hardcore/punk scene.
    people gave him all sorts of garbage when he changed his ideals "selling out" or whatever you'd like to call it,ask him about "emmanuel goldstein" the greatest melodic hardcore band to never do anything....I was to play the drums for it.

  3. I was fortunate enough to see EARTH CRISIS a few times in the early 90's. This demo is tight as hell! Thank you!
    Cheers from Detroit --
