Guav emailed me yesterday to tell me that he had found the 1996 catalog for Cabal Clothing, the clothing line that he ran along with DJ Rose and John McKaig. Well today, he emailed me back and included scans of the whole catalog. If you dont want to click on each picture, I also include the whole catalog as pdf to download. Prepare for a trip back in time. I mean honestly, was there anyone who didnt own at least 1 design that these guys did? They should start re-printing these designs again (hint, hint). Thanks Guav for sending this to me.
Cabal Clothing 1996 Catalog download
Cabal Clothing 1996 Catalog download
i'd rock a cabal b-ball jersey so hard.
I still do ;)
i'm the one responsible for that Cabal logo and i've never seen this catalog?!?
i hate to say it this way, but if they brought this stuff back, they would make a lot of money probably.
awesome to see this stuff. thanks for sharing Guav!
When I first starting going to shows I saw so many Cabal shirts I thought they were a band. I remember going to Generation Records and looking for Cabal cds on a regular basis...oh the shame
You think Blend? This stuff looks so dated to me—the traditional tattoo imagery was fresh back then, but now, not so much .... and we were the first to do b-ball jerseys, but by the end of the 90's every band had them. I can't imagine new kids thinking any of these designs are particularly great. I'm sure some of us old farts would buy them though ... I know I would, because I only have like 2 original shirts left haha
love it!!!
You'd make a damn fortune off of me with reprints.
would love to get most of these shirts. shit is so different then designs now, so simple.
Banks as in Banks Violette?
Yes, Banks Violette.
The guy who sang for my old band had the little light sabre edge dude tattoed on his arm.
Catalog is awesome, I used to have alot of the designs, I remember one time picking up a shitload of jerseys and shirts from I believe Guav at kingos on Astor place NYC years back. Later on I made a deal with Dj Rose on a huge box of shirts, which also included a tight limited run of thick v-necks (baseball jerseys??) I believe they were red and black.
Alot of those shirts would be traded off to Rudiger of lifeforce records.
Wish I still had that X-Edge Ape shirt....that shit is virtually extinct at this point.
I think I have one in burgundy XL ... maybe it'll end up on eBay one of these days ...
Even after all these years I'm still representing straight edge by wearing sXe shirts and X watches!
You guys really should do a short re-run of some of these shirts. A good way to make some extra $$$. Plenty of people here at SITP would be throwing money your way. I'd be way stoked to get a Rebel Alliance shirt.
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