Someone asked me to up this so here it is. To me, this is one of the defining moments of late 90s hardcore and definitely one of the best records of the youth crew revival. Its almost a crime that this record is out of print. Someone seriously needs to re-release this (hint hint). If anyone knows the name of the bonus song at the end of "Photo Finish" please let me know so I can fix it in my Itunes.
Fastbreak - Fast Cars, Fast Women
i love this album.
i remember seeing Fastbreak and Ten Yard Fight tour for their split. such a good fucking band.
This is one of the most underrated records of the whole '90's youth crew revival, and one of the records that stands the test of time.
Awesome. I only have it on vinyl, so thank you for putting it on here so I can get it on my Itunes as well.
Not to take the fire away from such bands as Set Your Goals, but Fastbreak was a band doing this pop punk/hardcore cross over before Set Your Goals was even an inch in someone's pants.
Thanks for posting this. I really dig this blog, as it's becoming one of the ones I visit the most.
The bonus song is "Hate Your Way", re-recorded from their demo
Sorry it took me a while, but here is a demo from Never Enough. I believe it has dudes from Fastbreak in it. We played with them at Pg99's last show in the DC area. It was the 1st last show. PG99 did 2 days.
WOW, I remember not being into this record AT ALL when it came out. But, damn, now it makes sense and really holds up well. EXCELLENT post.
should re-upload this definite youth crew album. i wore out a hard copy i had years ago. had it both on cd and on a tape i burned the cd onto. anyway. hard to find, great album.
Your new link links to the Tension - The Sickness Of Our Age.
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