Continuing with 90s DC Hardcore, Ashes featured members of Battery playing that midwest emo-core sound I love so much. This is their discography released by guitarist Brian McTernan on his Salad Days label. The record has since gone out of print. Also this is a shirt from Ashes that was printed when they were on Network Sound.
Ashes - Wisconsin Avenue Tour
Thanks for making this available! My cd is all scratched up and I've been looking for this for a while. Cheers!
Oh my god, i was looking for this so much! Thanks!
i have been looking, sorry!
You killed it on this one...THANK U!
I'd love to listen to this album again, but the link doesn't work. If you could send it to me, I'd really appreciate it!! dylanxvx@live.com
I remember meeting Ashes on the boardwalk in Rehobeth Beach, DE. It was me and my friend Ace. We were probably 11 or 12, wearing Minor Threat and Nemesis Records shirts, respectively. We met Elena and Brian and a bunch of kids from local DC band Separation. We thought they were the coolest (or at least I did). A few of them were graffiti writers for a crew called NAA -- New Age Alliance. The Ashes demo is my favorite of the discography, but I like the whole thing. Ashes were a big part of my youth! Great band.
ive been looking for this band for yeeears with no.avail..i still sing.it in the shower tho....yeeaaaaayh!
been looking for this for yeeeeears!!!!!!...im a definate child of the 90s. when we had shows in basements and it was a dollar a band.....bring a can of food and get in free.(justin pearson in san diego had one where u bring an avacado) LOL the good.ole days.we went on tour in vans and stayed in whoevers houses x country. XOXO
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