Sunday, February 15, 2009

Posted by xCHIPxSEM |
After the post on Otto Dix, someone requested that we upload Brethren. The South Florida Music Scene blog uploaded everything Brethren recorded. You can check that out here:

Brethren - Hialeah Hardcore


Anonymous said...

thank you very much

AWC said...

Was Brethren a christian band? Someone was referring to them as a "SFHC band" and I was thinking if it meant this.

xCHIPxSEM said...

No they werent a christian band. Not sure of their personal religions but SFHC stands for South Florida Hardcore. Awesome guys definately worth checking out

AWC said...

Yeah, I have uploaded some of their stuff before, pretty good!
Thanks for the info, dude!

Matt said...

i'm selling their "no regrets" 7" on ebay right now if anyone's interested.