Saturday, August 30, 2008

Posted by xjustinx |
Someone was reading my mind when they suggested that I post some Overcast in honor of their new record that just came out. Overcast only played Portland once, but the tour package was incredible, and it still sits as one of my all time favorite showsForming in 1991, Overcast were one of the true innovators of 90s hardcore/metal, or as they preferred to call themselves, Devilcore. They first released a 7" called Bleed Into One, which I still don't...

Wednesday, August 20, 2008

Posted by xjustinx |
Zack De La Rocha was never straight edge, right? So, he must have never actually played lead guitar for Hard Stance, right? Riiiiiiiiight. Before he sang for Inside Out, and long before the commercially viable days of Rage Against The Machine, Zack played guitar for Hard Stance. In the late 80s, Hard Stance were a great straight edge band that shared the stage with the likes of Insted, No For An Answer, Chain of Strength, Uniform Choice and many...

Tuesday, August 19, 2008

Posted by xjustinx |
I've now added a Cbox over there to the side of the page. Feel free to use it to make requests, and to let me know if a file needs to be re-uploaded. I get a lot of emails while I'm at work, and that makes it all too easy for me to forget about them. With requests sitting right there on the side of the page, I think it will be much easier for me to keep on top of things to the best of my abiliti...

Monday, August 18, 2008

Posted by xjustinx |
What can I say? I LOVE mid 90s metalcore! Method reigned from Milwaukee, WI, and were creating some pretty wicked riffs for the era. Living on the West Coast, I never really gathered a ton of information on these guys, but my friend Parker helped fill in a few holes when I saw him a couple of years ago here in Portland. Apparently one of Method's guitar players had a nickname of Survivor, which he gained by riding a bike across state lines to...

Sunday, August 3, 2008

Posted by xjustinx |
Edge of Quarrel cdLost and Found RecordsThis cd contains all of the material that Undertow recorded with Joel on vocals, as well as 3 tracks with John on vocals, and then a very peculiar final track. Here's how it breaks down in the liner notes:Tracks 1 & 2 - Undertow/Resolution split 7"Tracks 3-6 - Demo '91Track 7 - Words To Live By comp 7"Track 8 - previously unreleased (from the same recording session as track 7)Tracks 9 & 10 - no in...