Sunday, November 29, 2015

Posted by xjustinx | File under : , ,
Blasphemour Records is just about to reissue Harvest's classic LP, Living With A God Complex on cassette. Pre-orders for both the tape (in three colors) and a limited run t-shirt are currently up on the site, and a portion of each sale will be donated to the American Refugee Committee. Harvest pre-order ...

Saturday, November 21, 2015

One thing that was always interesting in the 90s was how often various tours always collided in cities across America. This often resulted in shows with 8 - 12 bands on one bill, but they were never intended to be all day fests. This show on 8/9/98 at the Fireside Bowl in Chicago is one of those situations. Ten bands played that day, but the video I have only contains fives of them: Extinction, Shai Hulud, Trial, Harvest and Ten Yard Fight. ...

Monday, November 2, 2015

Posted by xjustinx | File under : , ,
Here's a full set of Undertow at Nappy Dugout in Vanvouver, BC back on 12/13/92. Once again, filmed by Ron Guardipee with his hi8 camera. After converting the video, I remembered seeing some pictures from this very show on DCXX a couple of years ago, and they had sourced these from Tom Holcomb. Edit: I was also just informed that the cover photo for the Stalemate 7" was also taken at this show, and some outtakes can be found on the website...

Sunday, November 1, 2015

Posted by xjustinx | File under : , ,
Just converted a nice, early set of Strain from 12/11/92 in Vancouver, BC at South Wall, which was above the Mickey MacDougall Arena. This was a year after their demo, but still almost two years before their s/t EP on Overkill. ...