Wednesday, July 6, 2016

Posted by Unknown |
Hailing from Charleston, SC, Riot Stares is a badass new band who just dropped a refreshing demo out of nowhere. While lots of bands are currently trying to play the "90's metallic hardcore" sound, few bands are willing to explore the particular niche that these guys have honed in on, and few bands find that perfect balance between nailing their influences perfectly and not sounding too derivative. Taking heavy cues from the more "out there" side...

Monday, July 4, 2016

Let me start this post by stating that I cannot possibly express enough just how much of an unsung gem this 7" is, but especially in the realm of Northwest Hardcore in the 1990s. It has a dirty, visceral rage to it that not all bands are able to capture. Nothing Left existed for a brief period of time during the stretch of 1995 - 1996, and could practically be called more of a collective than a band. Featuring members that either came from...