I was never a huge Cast Iron Hike fan but I saw them plenty of times and they were always great live. Being that they were from the Boston area, this release (which I believe it their first) was the first for Big Wheel Recreation which would go on to release records from Piebald, In My Eyes, and Fastbreak among others. 4 songs from these future Victory signees.
Cast Iron Hike - The Salmon Drive E.P.
awesome! thank you chip. i have always been a huge cast iron hike fan, but lacked this ep. now my collection is complete.
I always thought these guys were one of the most criminally underrated bands of the 90s.
Agreed. This band was awesome. One of these dudes is in Isis now, strangely enough.
I loved the post hardcore sound that rocked the mid 90s. This is for fans of Quicksand, Shift, Orange 9mm, Fireside, and Helmet. I lived in Beantown when these guys were around and would catch them on the regular usually playing with 454 Big Block. I still have a lot of the show fliers. These guys were intense live. I loved them!
Incredible band! Easily in my top 5 most underrated bands from the 90's list.. What happened to that DVD they were supposed to put out???
Thank you significantly for this.
I've been trying to acquire this for literally years.
I've had the 7" since seeing them years and years ago, but frankly the audio quality on it is rather thin and noisy. It's also only 3 songs.
Very much going to enjoy this all day tomorrow...
Boss, I saw these guys once outside of Chicago - a little burb in northwestern Indiana- with big block 454. At that show I picked up an issue of Extent that had a demo CD with, among other things, a track of one "grand soap opera". Since then I have been litterally chasing that track for fifteen years. Bottom line: you just went right the hell on my christmas card list.
i loved this band. so amazing. one of the craziest nights i remember is them opening for orange 9mm back in 1996 at tramps.
Bringin The Heat Back To Winter Street.
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