Wednesday, November 17, 2010

Posted by xjustinx | File under : , , ,

Deadlock were a positive hardcore band from Spokane, WA in the late 90s. I actually first became acquainted with them when I made an order from Northwest Straight Edge distro, which was being run by Sam, Deadlock's guitar player. I had ordered a few shirts from him, and in the package, he also included the Keepin' It Positive demo tape from Deadlock. From there, Sam and I were pen pals for a short duration, and I was able to catch a handful of their shows in both Seattle and Portland.Deadlock - Keepin' It Positive [Demo 1997]

While I enjoyed the Keepin' It Positive demo, it's with their second demo tape that Deadlock truly began to shine. The songs were becoming really catchy and memorable, and their live shows were a lot of fun.

Deadlock - Demo 1998

Deadlock broke up sometime in late 1998 or early 1999. Joe Preston moved to Seattle where he played drums for one of the early lineups of Champion, and then he went on to play for These Arms Are Snakes. Kris Johnson also moved to Seattle, and played for a great, but short lived band named Countless Sins. I'm not sure if Cory or Sam ever played in bands after Deadlock.

Although I know they had a couple of other shirts, here are the two that I have:

And a jersey in two colors:There was also a live Deadlock VHS tape, and one of these days, I hope to get the proper equipments, so I can convert it to a digital format.


Alex said...

if anyone is willing to get rid of a jersey (large or xl), i will pay a fairly absurd amount of money -

Anonymous said...

Solid dudes,great band! My band did our first west coast tour with these dudes! Good Times! -xJKx

Anonymous said...

This rules man, my friend Mark's been trying to get a tape of theirs copied over to cd for awhile. Stoked that someone outside of Spokane remembers them.

Anonymous said...

awesome. these were good dudes. played a lot of shows and had a run down through Cali with them as well. those were the days! xburdenx

Anonymous said...

Nice job once again, Justin.

FETTS said...

Haven't heard these songs since the 90's! I feel like a teenager again. :)