Wednesday, March 30, 2011

Posted by xCHIPxSEM | File under : , ,
We received a message from Rich Hall, the man behind 1000 Knives Booking, letting us know that Damnation AD has been added to the Unbroken show in NYC next weekend. Burning Love had to drop so Damnation has been added in their place. The show has been sold out for quite some time but if you have tickets, it's going to be a good one.While you're at it, head on over and check out Rich's 1000 Knives Tshirts that he has for sale. Most of you know him...
Posted by Anonymous |
From up! Whether fan, band, scenester or zinester, your voice is needed for this project. If you ever stepped foot inside or hung outside of the Safari Club, you’re part of the story. We want this to be a “people’s history.” It’s a yearbook of sorts, written by the scene, for the scene.What stands out most in your memory about this time? Was there one show in particular? (This could be a performance/behavior, injuries, fights,...

Tuesday, March 29, 2011

Posted by Anonymous |
From the eBay auction listing:I'm no longer going to be attending this show, so I've spoken to 1000 Knives and have received the okay to auction these with all the proceeds going to the family of Mitch Dubey (for those unfamiliar with the scenario - ). These are will-call tickets, so whoever wins these will just have the tickets switched over to their name. To those who bid and don't win, please feel free to...

Monday, March 28, 2011

Posted by Anonymous | purple/black vinyl mix with new cover art. Only 363 copies available.Remission's Winds Of Promise 7" EP available for FREE download he...

Sunday, March 27, 2011

Posted by xjustinx |
Pre-orders have now gone live over at the Limited Pressing store of Trip Machine Laboratories for the Incendiary / Unrestrained split 7" and the Most Precious Blood demo 7""This split 7" brings together 2 heavyweights of modern hardcore. Long Island, NY's INCENDIARY follow up their 7", LP and split 7" with Suburban Scum with 2 brand new songs of powerful political hardcore. Mixing together...

Friday, March 25, 2011

Posted by Anonymous |
Anyone who posts a song-by-song review anywhere online gets a free A389 Recordings digital album of their choice! Click here and ENTER CODE: A3892...
Posted by xCHIPxSEM | File under : ,
Minneapolis hardcore band Harvest is reuniting this summer for a show with Disembodied. Is it a one off or are they back? The description kinda hints that maybe they are (from the Facebook page: Twin Cities Hardcore favorites are back after a brief hiatus of only 12 years. They are ready to set off the next chapter in their legacy with this hometown show!). Advance tickets will be available FRIDAY, APRIL 1 @ 11:00 a.m. CST. Limit two tickets...

Thursday, March 24, 2011

Posted by xCHIPxSEM | File under : , ,
I apologize for my lack of posts lately but Ive been tending to the renovations of my new house and that has basically taken all of my time. Today I bring you an interview with Blindfold, a band from Belgium that was known for featuring future members of H8000 favorites, Liar. This was originally printed in Clear Path zine #1, April 1994. I did the best I could when scanning but the way it was stapled made it hard to read at times. You get the i...

Tuesday, March 22, 2011

Posted by xCHIPxSEM | File under : ,
Our dear friend and reader, Ray Harkins, is cleaning out his closest and getting rid of quite a few old 90s and early 2000s t-shirts. Real good variety ranging from the Nerve Agents to Unbroken, Ink & Dagger to Converge and everything in between. Get on it before they are all gone. Ray also runs a podcast called First World Problems which you can check out via iTunes.Ray Harkins Ebay Purg...

Monday, March 21, 2011

Posted by Anonymous |

Saturday, March 19, 2011

Posted by xjustinx |
80k from the upcoming split 7" with Incendiary. Unrestrained - 80k by unrestrainedpdxPre-orders will be going up very soon via Trip Machine Laboratori...
Posted by Anonymous | Record Store Day! To celebrate, we reissued the first LP on Kill Rock Stars in honor of our 20 Year Anniversary.Limited Edition: silk-screened & hand numbered.Digital Download Code is of the CD Version * but does not include the Melvins or Nirvana tracksTHIS ITEM IS A PRE-ORDER+Release Date: April 16+Estimate Ship Date: April 5Pre-Order from KRS Mail Order to receive...

Friday, March 18, 2011

Posted by Anonymous |
Well, sort of. ARPEGGIATOR 2.0 by andrewwilliamblackVinyl available here -

Wednesday, March 16, 2011

In the last batch of zines I received, I decided to start scanning the ads that accompanied them. Im going to make this a regular thing and post random ads and hopefully this will remind you guys of some amazing records of the era. Many of these ads for this post were originally printed in Hardware zine, #9 (which you can download in its entirety from the Digital Fanzine Preservation Society as well as the other issues of Hardware) as well as Rubberneck...

Monday, March 14, 2011

Posted by Anonymous |
Click here to purchase a copy of this soon to be out of print (not to mention cool as fuck) slab o' wax. Download and/or stream the record here as well. And while you're at it, check out the Devildance Records website and blog. Damn good label run by some damn good fol...

Saturday, March 12, 2011

Posted by xjustinx |
Live in NYC '91 was originally a VHS tape that came out on In-Effect, and featured live songs from Agnostic Front, Sick Of It All and Gorilla Biscuits. In addition to the songs from those bands there are also interviews with members of Nuclear Assault, Dave Stein and Murphy's Law.Sometime in the early 2000s, I acquired a DVD transfer of the VHS tape, and this download is an AVI rip of that DVD.[555mb]And here's...
Posted by Anonymous |
Thursday, May 26, 2011at the Vera ProjectDoors at 5:00 PMMovie/Greg Bennick at 5:30 PMBands at 7:00 PMAll Ages$10 in advance$13 day of showOutspokenAlpha & OmegaBurn Your Life DownOlde GhostMarrow CynaraeAlso:Philosopher Kings film screeningSpoken word by Greg Bennick (and others)Vegan Bake SaleVegan Hors d'oeuvres saleStraight Edge BarRaffle/give awayAll proceeds will benefit One Hundred For Haiti:www.onehundredforhaiti.orgHere is the link to purchase tickets in advance:

Thursday, March 10, 2011

Posted by Anonymous |, and while you're here, be sure to also check out the 2011 merch that Jeff Caudill has created for the acoustic 10th anniversary re-recording of Gameface's Always On, which will be available soon on Unless You Try Recor...

Wednesday, March 9, 2011

Posted by xCHIPxSEM | File under : ,
When 108 released their first official full length "Songs of Separation" (Holyname was an EP) in 1995, they also made a zine to go along with it. The zine featured the lyrics to all of the songs as well as the meanings behind the lyrics, photos and interviews with each band member. While some of these songs were discussed in the discography liner notes, the zine is pretty comprehensive and really gives a great understanding of where the band (namely...

Tuesday, March 8, 2011

Posted by Anonymous |
From Sam's eBay listing:Dear Jesus was a hardcore punk fanzine I produced between 1989 and 1992. There were four full issues, and a mini-issue I made 50 copies of and sold at one show in 1990. Everything is included in this collection. The anthology totals 140 pages, with a new intro, color cover, and sturdy velo binding.These five issues include interviews with Jello Biafra, Richie Birkenhead (of Underdog & Youth Of Today), Doc Dart (this is...

Monday, March 7, 2011

Posted by Anonymous |
Originally released in 1995 on Network Sound, March's Turn is regarded by many as an underrated '90s emo classic. A side project of Gameface's Jeff Caudill, the album is equal parts melodic and stark. It's been out of print for over 15 years but is now available again for download on bandcamp and comes with 3 bonus tracks. Check it out.

Sunday, March 6, 2011

Posted by Anonymous |
One of the very few bright spots in what has now become an indefinite stay in the Inland Empire for me has been getting to hang out with Daniel Adair, owner and founder of Soul Expressions Tattoo Studio in Temecula, California. Adair was the original bassist for the '90s hardcore staple Outspoken (his bass playing can be heard on the excellent Survival EP) and he was a member of a number of Mike Hartsfield's pre-Outspoken bands as well. Soul Expressions...

Saturday, March 5, 2011

Posted by Anonymous |
The Mankind Records webstore continues to grow by leaps and bounds with all manner of hardcore product being added to it on a daily basis by it's owner/founder and longtime hardcore scenester David "Igby" Sattani. The entire catalogs of both of Igby's record labels (Mankind and Ammunition Records) are also available in the webstore at prices ranging from $1 to $5 a pop. Igby's been a fixture in the hardcore scene for over a quarter of a century,...

Friday, March 4, 2011

If you listen closely to some the song "a bundle of sticks" on the s/t record from Southern California's STICKFIGURECAROUSEL, you will hear parts reminiscent of the song "those who were" by Excessive Force. The reason for that is because two dudes played on both recordings. Stickfigurecarousel was formed when Justin McMahon and Joe Addeo decided to leave Excessive Force to start something more fulfilling. They recruited Sean Brummel on bass and Dan...

Wednesday, March 2, 2011

Posted by xCHIPxSEM | File under : ,
I finally got copies in of the Lash Out Discography which includes their final unreleased LP. This was only released on CD but it collects everything other than the "What Absence Yields" record and comes in a 2 x CD digipak with a huge insert with lyrics and photos. Get em before their gone...and pick up something else while you're at it.Lash Out Discography Available in the Webst...
Posted by Anonymous |
If you or someone you know is interested in setting up a screening, send an email to Evan Jacobs at evan@anhedeniafilms.com
Posted by xCHIPxSEM | File under : , ,
Recently, I received an email from Ryan Roberts, a regular reader who also happens to release a print zine called Pins & Needles. While the zine and website does delve into his love for the 90's, it also covers a variety of things ranging from television and sports radio to animals and record stores. He still has copies of all three issues available so check out his site and order one. If you happen to order the newest issues #3 or all three...

Tuesday, March 1, 2011

Posted by Anonymous |