So for anyone who knows me, they know one thing...I love Morning Again. I feel lucky that I grew up in South Florida and was able to see them with their earliest lineup which included Damien Moyal on vocals. John Wylie has been a friend of mine for many years and I played in a few bands with him after Morning Again but this, to me, will always be his crowning achievement in music. This design was later repressed by Goodlife Recordings with their logo printed below the word Hope. This particular shirt was printed after their first 7 inch was released by Intention Records in 1996 (if memory serves). Goodlife later repackaged those 2 songs along with the 5 songs from the Cleanest War and released in Europe. Those songs along with the Martyr ep and their side of the split with Shoulder were later repackaged together and released by Eulogy along with a remastering job. If youve got $5 burning a hole in your pocket, do yourself a favor and order this CD. This is actually on sale so now you have no reason not to order it.
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