Thursday, September 30, 2010

Posted by xCHIPxSEM | File under : , , , ,
At this point you're probably scratching your head and saying "Who is Switch Style and why is Chip posting this"? I read about this band in a zine in 95 or 96 (possibly Hardware) and they were described as "if Strife were from Japan". I loved (love) Strife so I was pumped but never followed up on ordering the record. Fast forward to 2006 and our dear friend EMS (Brother's Keeper, Surprise Attack Records) posts their 7 inch on his blog, Coregasm....

Wednesday, September 29, 2010

I apoligize for the lack of content lately. Ive been working nights as well as preparing for my wedding next month so its been a little hectic. That said, today I bring you a Shelter shirt I picked up on my last trip to Tokyo. If you ever happen to make a trip out to Japan, make sure to hit up Disk Union, a series of record stores which cater to different genres per store. The 3 floored store in Shinjuku has 2 floors dedicated to just metal...pretty...

Tuesday, September 28, 2010

Posted by xjustinx |
When Unbroken played at the Glass House in Pomona, CA for the California version of the Burning Fight release show, Indecision Records had 522 copies of a triple LP set containing Unbroken's entire discography. They quickly sold out that day, and some unscrupulous individuals were selling them for $150 on ebay the next day. Well, there's a new pressing of the triple LP set available now over at Indecision Records for anyone that missed out on the...

Wednesday, September 22, 2010

Posted by xCHIPxSEM |

Tuesday, September 21, 2010

Posted by Anonymous |
Just received this email:If you didn't already know, Bandcamp recently started charging fortheir service. Originally when we learned about this we thought,"streaming and downloading tons of music can cost a fortune at thelevel they're doing it, so you can't blame them." But then we saw theamount they were charging: 15% for digital sales and 10% (for now) forphysical. Well we were pretty disappointed, especially with thepercentage they were taking from physical sales. They have nothing todo with physical sales, and it's mind boggling how they justify...

Sunday, September 19, 2010

Posted by Anonymous |

Saturday, September 18, 2010

Posted by xjustinx |
Unrestrained just posted the song, "A Burden's Weight", from this new split on our Myspace page, and here's the split info from the Superfluous website:"the inventors of the PNA (Positively Negative Attitude) are back! magdeburg's chaos-violence-machine REBARKER, bring us six new songs on this record that rather resemble pissed off all-out-war blasts than traditional hardcore songs. coming a long way, this five piece has perfected its mix of...

Thursday, September 16, 2010

Posted by xCHIPxSEM | File under : ,
Here's an interesting t-shirt that was printed as Strife began to really gain momentum. While its pretty common place for bigger bands to ask for guarantees now, at the time apparently it wasn't very well looked upon for Strife to do. At first glance, one would assume that this was printed after Strife chose to no longer be considered a straight edge band with the release of their "Angermeans" album but this is actually from 1997 when they were straight...

Wednesday, September 15, 2010

As requested in the 'Requests and Reposts' section in the sidebar, here are 3 of the AFTeRSHOCK split 7"s. All of these are with Japanese bands, 2 with State Craft and 1 with Dive.First off is the 1st split 7" with Dive, released on S.I.H. Records out of Japan in 1998. Besides an early version of 'Traversing The Gap', which would later be re-recorded for their 'Through The Looking Glass' full-length, AFTeRSHOCK do a cover of Youth Of Today's...

Tuesday, September 14, 2010

Posted by Anonymous | sure to RSVP at rsvp@teepeerecords....

Friday, September 10, 2010

Posted by xCHIPxSEM |
Just passing on the info for my friendAll prices have been dropped significantly.Tshirts - $5Hooded Sweatshirts and Zip Ups - $10More is being added so check it out if you have the timeEulogy Outlet St...

Wednesday, September 8, 2010

Posted by xCHIPxSEM | File under :
Tickets are now available for the Morning Again reunion show. In case you missed the information we posted, you can get more or less everything you need right here. The show is $10 for 8 bands on 2 stages. Im really excited that this is actually happening and I hope that many of you can make it out the show. As more info is passed along to me, Ill have it posted.Tickets can be purchased by clicking h...

Tuesday, September 7, 2010

Posted by xCHIPxSEM | File under : , ,
I apologize for my lack of updating recently. Im preparing for my wedding as well as working nights now so its been pretty hectic. Today, I bring you an interview with Baltimore's Torn Apart. This was conducted in 1997 and printed in issue #8 of I Stand Alone, one of my favorite zines. Justin did a killer post for them about 2 years ago uploaded both their 7 inch as well as their first EP, both released by Life Sentence Records in the mid 90s. In...
Posted by Anonymous |

Friday, September 3, 2010

Posted by Anonymous |
Hello everyone,Jake here with another personal post. I turned 40 last month (August 12) and I contemplated doing a personal post on that day but ultimately decided against it. However, it's been quite a while since I've actually written anything of my own for this webzine/blog, so I figured that I'd do that now.Even though my actual involvement in the hardcore scene in general is very limited now and confined almost exclusively to the internet, I am still VERY grateful to be involved in it. Music is by far my #1 passion in life and I am especially...