Wednesday, June 29, 2011

Posted by Anonymous |
Although many of you have probably never heard of Aaron Silberman, his bands Mission Impossible and Downer or his Cause & Effect zine, I wanted to interview him because he is one of the few people that I know who grew up in the '90s hardcore scene and then went on have a professional career in the music industry. And, of course, there's also the simple fact that it's always the people who you DON'T hear about or that much about who tend to be...

Monday, June 27, 2011

Posted by Anonymous |
As the guitarist for Farside & 411 and the drummer for Headfirst (not to mention a slew of other projects), Kevin Murphy's invaluable contributions to the '90s hardcore scene cannot be understated. When it comes to Kevin Murphy's contributions to humankind in general, however, we're talking about a WHOLE other level of cannot be understatedness (or something). I refer, of course, to his participation in numerous bike rides to raise money for...

Sunday, June 26, 2011

Posted by XhcnoirX | File under : , ,
Here's a pretty sweet H8000 record, the split 7" between arguably the 2 most well-known H8000 bands, Congress & Liar. It was given out at the 2002 edition of the H8000 Fest, in a limited run of 500 copies. This handing out of a free record happened at all the H8000 Fests (1994, 2002, 2003 & 2007). Hans Liar wrote up a post with some more information on it on his blog, so check that out if you want more info. The result is an awesome...

Saturday, June 25, 2011

I'm sure everyone that reads this blog has some awareness of Dave Walker via bands like Harvest and Krakatoa.  This interview was conducted over a period of about 4 months via Facebook chat and email, and Dave was kind enough to provide us with some Harvest photos that he's pretty sure have never made their way onto the internet before. SITP: How did you first get into punk/hardcore? Dave: When I was very young, like 8 or 9, my half-brother...