Wednesday, August 31, 2011

Posted by xCHIPxSEM |
I was uploading this for a friend of mine and figured I might as well put it up here as well. Shockwave featured (and still does on occassion) members of some prominent Erie, PA. bands including xDisciplex and wrote songs about Transformers. This was recorded live while they were in Europe in 2000 and released by Alone Records which was based out of Oswego, NY. Pretty cool little EP. To the best of my knowledge, Alone Records has since folded and...
Posted by xjustinx |
xThere Is Only One Truthx blog is run my Max, who also operates xOne Truthx Records out of the Ukraine.  The blog features lots of great downloads and information about European (among others) hardcore bands from the 90s.  Go check it out. xOne Tru...

Tuesday, August 30, 2011

Posted by Anonymous |
How did you get into hardcore? Rajko: Back in the beginning of the '90s, I was way into metal music and Biohazard was a "real" hardcore band. Don't get me wrong, I still consider Urban Discipline one of the best albums that ever came out and like it or not, we all have to admit that back in the day, they were huge. Reading thank you lists from booklets of bands that I listened to back then, I heard of a lot of bands but never had a chance to hear...

Saturday, August 27, 2011

Posted by xCHIPxSEM |
I appreciate all the emails I've received regarding the shirts but due to the overwhelming interest, I've decided just to Ebay them. I don't like emailing people and telling that such and such person offered me this amount, can you beat it? it makes me look like a scumbag and that I'm intentionally driving the price up. Ill take a hit on Ebay but at least it'll be fair. Ill post a link when I started posting them. Thanks for understanding. Chip's shirts are now on Eb...

Friday, August 26, 2011

Posted by Anonymous |
October 10th - KIEV @ SOKOLOctober 12th - MOSCOW @ TBAOctober 13th - PETROZAVODSK @ HEIKKONENOctober 14th - ST. PETERSBURG @ V-C...
Posted by xCHIPxSEM | File under :
One our loyal readers sent this in to me last month (sorry for taking so long Jamie) and I'm finally getting to it now. This is an interview conducted with Chicago's MK Ultra from April of 1998 by our reader, Jamie. Thanks to them for allowing us to us it. This interview was conducted with Kirk Syrek, Jeff Jelen, Frank Hanney, and Ebro Virumbrales of MK-Ultra in Washington, DC in April 1998. I shelved the tape, considering it unusable, but it was...

Thursday, August 25, 2011

Posted by Anonymous |

Wednesday, August 24, 2011

Posted by Anonymous |

Monday, August 22, 2011

Posted by xjustinx | File under : , , ,
Here's the split 12" between An Acre Lost, who changed their name to Poison The Well shortly after, and Promise No Tomorrow.  I'm sure most people know about the things that Poison The Well went onto do, but I don't know much about Promise No Tomorrow.  Maybe Chip can jump in on the comments and provide more information, since they were also a South Florida band. An Acre Lost / Promise No Tomorrow - split 12"[Ohev Records - 1998]http:...

Sunday, August 21, 2011

Posted by Anonymous | Greg Bennick interview coming so...
Posted by XhcnoirX | File under : , , , , ,
Spineless was one of the best H8000 bands in the '90s in my opinion. They were a band from Kortrijk, in the south of Belgium, which also explains why the coat of arms of Kortrijk is present on the cover of their releases. The 'CMD' that appears below the coat of arms on the 'Painfields' cover stands for 'Cortrycke Mosh Division', their local crew. Anyways, they started out in 1996, and after a demo which I unfortunately do not have, they released...

Saturday, August 20, 2011

Posted by xjustinx | File under : , ,
I've never been able to track down much information about Structure, but I'm pretty sure that they were from New Jersey, and that this self titled 7" was their only release.  Despite that, they managed to crank out a 7" of great early 90s hardcore that not too unlike counterparts such as Turning Point. Structure - s/t[1992 - Noode Records]
Posted by xCHIPxSEM | File under : , , , ,
A lot of people have asked about Damien Moyal's project "Damien Done" in the past. The record was supposed to be released through Goodlife Recordings years ago but for one reason or another, it never came out. Damien has since uploaded the entire discography to his Bandcamp site and included various outtakes, rare tracks and covers he's recorded. As of right now, the songs can only be listened to on their site, not downloaded but I'll call him and...

Friday, August 19, 2011

Posted by xCHIPxSEM | File under : , ,
Chris from Sky Came Falling/One Day Savior Records hit me up to let me know that he has recently joined the band Divider. The band is gearing for the release of their 3-way split LP with Bone Dance and Plebeian Grandstand. Here's the scoop: "Three bands, three different interpretations of hardcore/punk, two continents, one policy: Destroy. BONE DANCE (Boise, Idaho, USA) doesn't want to be your friend. The nihilism you'll hear from these self-described...

Thursday, August 18, 2011

Posted by Anonymous | From the Too Many Voices bandcamp page: Andrew West (Kill Your Idols) and Eric Svirida (The Last Crime) started assembling the line-up that would eventually become Too Many Voices in mid-2010. They added guitarist Ivan Gonzalez (25 ta Life), Scott Winegard (Texas Is The Reason/Fountainhead) on bass and, in early 2011, the line-up...

Wednesday, August 17, 2011

Posted by xCHIPxSEM |
So Im doing what I swore I would never do: sell some of my shirts. I've recently lost one of my jobs and with a new house that my wife and I recently purchased, we need the money. This is the first batch (and hopefully only batch) of shirts that I'll be unloading. Here's how the chart works. Band name - Description of the shirt - Color - Size - Shortsleeve, Longsleeve, Zipup, etc. if you have questions, by all means please ask. I will give you the best description possible as well as provide photos for any of them. I have 100% positive...

Tuesday, August 16, 2011

Posted by xCHIPxSEM | File under : , , , , ,
Some of you may have heard but I started a band with Rich Thurston (ex-Culture, Terror, etc) and Damien Moyal (ex-Culture, Shai Hulud, Morning Again, As Friends Rust). The band is called On Bodies and we recently recorded a 6 song EP which should be available in October. The band is rounded out as well by Chad Kishick (Know The Score, Shai Hulud) and Julio Marin (Glasseater, Destro, Dance Floor Justice) as well as myself on guitar. Give it a listen,...

Saturday, August 13, 2011

Posted by xjustinx | File under : , , ,
Handsome were a post-hardcore band of great lineage in the mid 90s.  The band was started after Peter Mengede's departure from Helmet and also featured the likes of Jeremy Chatelain (Insight, Iceburn), Pete Hines (Cro-Mags, Murphy's Law) and Tom Capone (Beyond, Quicksand). This first 7" release from Handsome came out in 1995 on Full City Blend out of New York, and was actually recorded prior to Tom Capone joining the band.  Both songs would...

Tuesday, August 9, 2011

Posted by xCHIPxSEM | File under :
I apologize for the lack of content on my end lately but I've been moving and my time has been split between that and working. Over the course of my move, my collecting has significantly diminished as I have less room than before so I haven't been going out of my way to look for new stuff. One thing I did recently acquire is what is considered the "Holy Grail" of Earth Crisis history. The Conviction Records longsleeve is the rarest tshirt in the...
Posted by Anonymous |
How did you get into hardcore? Growing up my musical influences have been pretty wide open. My parents were into rock of just about any kind and my mom listened to a lot of early Elvis Costello, so that certainly had some small underlying influence. But I was a skater in the late 80's, which meant plenty of exposure to most things fast, heavy, odd, or weird. I remember skating to a diet of Faith No More, Oingo Boingo, Fat Boys, Anthrax, Beastie...

Saturday, August 6, 2011

Posted by Anonymous |
MOUTHPIECE Part 1 from sergio amalfitano on Vimeo.MOUTHPIECE Part 2 from sergio amalfitano on Vimeo.Congratulations to Mouthpiece singer/frontman Tim McMahon and his wife Traci on the August 4th birth of their third child, Travis Michael McMah...
Posted by xCHIPxSEM | File under :
While doing some research for Tee Till Death, I came across the complete discography from Buffalo's X Plagued With Rage X. The upload was by Jeremy Smith, former guitar player for the band and includes everything the band recorded including an unreleased demo, comp tracks, a live set and more. I've also included a link to the band's wiki page for a little more in depth look at the band. Check it out!X Plagued By Rage X - Discography and then som...

Thursday, August 4, 2011

Posted by xCHIPxSEM | File under : ,
Here's an interview with CT's Cornerstone form Tension Building Zine #3 from 19...

Wednesday, August 3, 2011

Posted by xjustinx | File under : ,
Red Tide hailed from Connecticut, and struck me as a very interesting band.  I picked up this cd from my friend Matt's distro in 1998, and the influences heard in their sound are quite varied.  You can hear hints of old school death metal, hardcore, prog rock and even jazz fusion.  Before this self-funded CD, Red Tide released a whopping five demos, and then closed out their tenure with a CD called Type II in 2001.  I have never...

Tuesday, August 2, 2011

Posted by xCHIPxSEM | File under : , ,
While I was packing my CDs up in preparation for my move to my new house, I picked up my Slugfest CD that Initial Records had released back in 1996. The day before, Scott Vogel had emailed us to say how much he liked what we are doing with the site (thanks Scott) and I got the idea of interviewing him about the different bands he had played in. By now, you all know that Scott has been a part of some of the biggest and best bands of the 90s and 2000s...