Saturday, December 29, 2012

Posted by xjustinx | File under : ,
Recently, a kind reader from Switzerland sent me a package with a nice selection of demo tapes and CDs in the mail, and within that box was both Powerhouse demos.  Yes, there was another Powerhouse from Florida, but this Powerhouse was from Oakland, CA.  They played NYHC style hardcore, but gave it their own West Coast spin.  Playing throughout the Northwest a lot in the mid-late 90s, my friends and I always enjoyed when they...

Friday, December 28, 2012

Posted by xjustinx | File under : , ,
Starting today, Deathbed and Another Mistake will be embarking on a tour that will take them across a large portion of the United States.  Check out the dates on the poster below, and catch a show in a city near you. ...

Wednesday, December 26, 2012

 A few weeks ago, we posted about a new band, Gut Feeling, that features ex-members of Catharsis and Undying.  The recording previously mentioned will now be released as an EP, and here's word from the labels. Gut Feeling is a new hardcore band consisting of various members of older hardcore bands scattered around the North Carolina area (Catharsis, Undying, Nightbear, etc).  Musically these guys deviate from the previous...

Saturday, December 15, 2012

Posted by Anonymous |
Hey everyone! I'm back with my SECOND post here on Stuck In The Past. Believe me, I plan on posting here more often but shit (life) gets in the way man! Anyways, here is an interview I did with Nathan (I am Heresy/Boysetsfire). I did this interview in September of 2012. My band (Inner Dam) played a show with I am Heresy in my home town (Newburgh, N.Y.) & I was blown away by how great they were live. Nathan was more than happy to do the interview and as you will read it is pretty in-depth. Having been a big fan of Boysetsfire I have had a lot...

Tuesday, December 11, 2012

Posted by xjustinx |
Shai Hulud have put out a new track called "Reach Beyond The Sun" from their forthcoming record of the same name, which will be released on February 19th, 2013 via Metal Blade Records. ...

Thursday, December 6, 2012

Posted by xjustinx | File under :
Here, we have the Barrit demo tape from 1996. As you can see from the scans below, there wasn't a lyric sheet or track listing that accompanied this tape.  All I had to go on was the fact that Godless Disease was recognizable, as it was re-recorded for the 7", and a brief mention of two other song titles on the old tripod website.  So, I guessed at which songs were which, and the fourth is just titled as "Unknown".  I spent...

Saturday, December 1, 2012

Posted by xjustinx | File under : , ,
Major labels, guarantees, etc. are things that have always been highly contested within the realm of hardcore.  From 80s originators being courted by major labels to the legendary Sick Of It All / Born Against argument, it's a subject that will likely never go away, and it was as prevalent as ever in the 90s as well.  Exposure from fests like Ozzfest had label scouts knocking on the doors of many heavier hardcore bands, but there was also...
Posted by xjustinx | File under : ,
In preparation for a full discography CD that should be seeing the light of day relatively soon, In Vinyl We Trust has just released an Atlas Shrugged 7" with two newly recorded tracks. Here's a small writeup from the label/distro: As our first release I am extremely excited to offer you a brand new 7" from 90's hardcore band Atlas Shrugged. I first became aware of AS in 1996 in high school when I picked up their split 7" with New Day...