Thursday, July 28, 2011

Posted by xjustinx | File under : ,

Monday, July 25, 2011

Posted by xCHIPxSEM | File under : , , ,
Our friend Chris Ross recently hit us to let us know that his band, Torchbearer, just finished recording tracks for a brand new LP. The record will be released on August 30th via All Ears Music. You can check out the press release below:New Jersey’s Torchbearer have posted two new songs from their pending full-length “The Dirty Swagger” as well as an internet-only bonus track. The songs can be found at“The Dirty...

Sunday, July 24, 2011

Posted by xjustinx | File under : ,
Acacia came out of Ontario, Canada and unleashed this EP called "Untune The Sky", which I have always felt is one of the most criminally underrated releases in the early canon of Goodfellow Records.  They had a chaotic sound akin to early Botch, but with more prevalent metal undertones.  Aside from this EP and a track on The Difference Between Us comp, I'm not aware of anything else Acacia recorded and put out, so if anyone has physical...

Saturday, July 23, 2011

Posted by XhcnoirX | File under : , , , ,
In the late '90s, a lot of bands around Europe took inspiration from bands like Arkangel and Morning Again, some good some bad. Here's a pretty good one which doesn't get mentioned all that much, Envision from Parma, Italy. The band started out in 1998 and after a 4-song demo they recorded the 'The Season Of Indifference' MCD, which was released on Next Sentence Recordings in 1999. Next Sentence btw was a label run by one of the guys in Negate,...

Thursday, July 21, 2011

Posted by xCHIPxSEM |
My friend Mike is selling some records on Ebay...he's got some pretty good stuff so if you have a chance, check it out
Posted by Anonymous |
As you xStuck In The Pastx regulars no doubt already know, I (Andrew Jacobs) am quite a big fan of Chilean singer/frontman Philippe Arama's band Remission and have done quite a few posts for them because of that. What can I say? I've always been and always will be a sucker for hook-laden and catchy as hell hardcore. And naturally, I'm a big fan of Arama's indie rock band Invierno as well. Enjoy the interview. - Andrew JacobsPhoto taken by Gary...

Monday, July 18, 2011

Posted by Anonymous |
seeking the simple is a painstakingly detailed vinyl blog created by Kyle Whitlow. There's not much else I can say that isn't extremely well documented in the blog by Kyle himself via photos and text, so click below to have your vinyl hound mind completely blown. - Andrew Jacobs"After collecting punk vinyl for 15 years, I am calling it quits. More and more I’m coming to realize the aged truism: we don’t own...

Saturday, July 16, 2011

Posted by Anonymous |
Interview with Hitman bassist Radomir Jankovic coming soon!From Hitman's Facebook and Reverbnation pages:Hitman is a hardcore punk band from the Balkans (Belgrade, Serbia). We started this whole thing in 1994 as a side project along with our original bands (Definite Choice, Wipe Out, Shackle Me Not) back then. In the past 17 years, we made the foundation of the hardcore scene on the Balkans stronger by connecting all the scenes between the countries...

Friday, July 15, 2011

Posted by Anonymous |
Mike Judge & Old Smoke guitarist Todd Schwartz was kind enough to take a picture of himself giving me a shout out in front of his mounted Sights LP on clear vinyl (yeah, it's a big deal). And if that wasn't cool enough, Mike Judge himself alerted me to the fact that 4 previously unreleased Mike Judge & Old Smoke songs are up on the band's Myspace for all to hear, so click here and enjoy. Well, I'LL enjoy anyway. - Andrew Jac...

Monday, July 11, 2011

Posted by xjustinx | File under : , ,
If my charts from the last month are any indication, the new "Years of Defiance. Years of Disgust" 7 inch from Harvest is hard to put away.  In the few weeks that I've had it, the tracks have received well over 100 plays on my computer, phone and in the car. With this new 7", Harvest were presented with a bit of a challenge.  Members of the band live in Minneapolis, Toronto, and Sau Paolo, Brazil, which means that each member had...
Posted by Anonymous |
This interview is very significant to me as it's the first interview with a female in the hardcore scene that I've posted in my 2+ years here at xStuck In The Pastx. I have sent interview questions to a number of female scenesters but for whatever reason(s), I haven't received a completed one from any of them until Jenny Jensen at Revelation Records sent me hers. I will continue to make it a point to interview as many female scenesters as I can because...
For the last 2 (or is it 3) years now, Deathwish Inc. has been telling us that the Ressurection discography was finally going to the see the light of day. Well Deathwish just put up a player featuring 2 songs from the discography and man does it sound incredible. If you happen to own the original release of their full length "I Refuse" on New Age Records, you'll know its a bit of a hard listen. The recording wasn't that great as the band has little...
Posted by Anonymous |
The early '90s post-hardcore band Statue reunited this past weekend to play their 20 year high school reunion and Tru Pray was there to film the whole thing. In case you haven't already done so, be sure to check out Alex Barreto's new band Fraud. Damn good stu...

Sunday, July 10, 2011

Posted by xCHIPxSEM | File under : , ,
A couple of months back, we posted a statement about Jose (Abhinanda, Desperate Fight Records) finally getting a new band together. Well they finally released their 4 song debut and its a rager. Give it a listen if you dig fast hardcore in that American Nightmare vein.Out Of Vo...

Thursday, July 7, 2011

Posted by Anonymous |
Derrick Hachey is the bassist for the relatively new vegan hardcore band Olde Ghost. Being the red meat 'n cheesy potatoes man that I am, I don't know that much about veganism but I plan on finding out more about it as well as interviewing more vegan hardcore folks. Enjoy the interview. - Andrew JacobsHow did you get into hardcore?When I was young, I listened to The Clash, Ramones, Stiff Little Fingers and the like after being introduced to them...

Wednesday, July 6, 2011

Posted by Anonymous |
Jeff Terranova is hardcore royalty. From being one of the founding members (as well as singer/frontman and bassist) of New York hardcore staple Up Front to being the sole person behind the quarter century old Smorgasbord Records label, Jeff is one of the few people who has been an integral part of both the '80s and the '90s hardcore scenes. In 2011, he's as active in the hardcore scene as he's ever been with Smorgasbord, photographing shows and a...

Tuesday, July 5, 2011

Posted by xCHIPxSEM | File under : , ,
Recently, Justin conducted an interview with Dave Walker, vocalist for one of my all time favorite hardcore bands, Harvest. If you've been following us regularly (if you have been, thank you), we've been trying to keep you on top of everything going in the Harvest camp. Someone recently requested an upload for Season Of Fire, Dave's band after Harvest broke up. I checked and apparently both SOF records are no longer available so here you go. I ripped...

Saturday, July 2, 2011

Posted by xjustinx | File under : , , Everything in the webstore is 15% off through Monday night.

Friday, July 1, 2011

Posted by Anonymous | addition to this, for the entire month of July, all Kill Rock Stars digital albums are available at Amazon for only $5 each! All KRS vinyl and CDs are also on sale at Amazon throughout July. KRS itself is also having a huge sale on CDs through July 5th and will be having a huge vinyl sale starting July 5th as we...