Sunday, May 31, 2009

Posted by xCHIPxSEM |
Hi everyone,Im back from Japan and had an incredible trip. To get the ball rolling again, I scanned the essay insert from Unbroken "Life. Love. Regret." You may be saying "Wait a vinyl/CD doesn't have an essay insert." This was included in the early pressings of the record and was basically essays from each band member to be included with the record that touched on personal issues, their love of hardcore, Eric Allen's (at the time) attempted...

Saturday, May 23, 2009

Posted by xCHIPxSEM |
Hey everyone,Im still currently in Tokyo and will be until the 31st but while checking my local board, someone posted links to most of the bands soundboard recordings from Burning Fight. Wanted to pass this on to you guys. Ill have a full report of my trip when I get back as well as pictures of myself hanging out with the dudes from Loyal to the Grave, Crystal Lake, and the man Dobek Ohashi. Until then, enjoy this

Sunday, May 17, 2009

Posted by xjustinx |
Let me preface Trial's message by saying that I'm not sure what happened around EVR just after they actually signed Trial, but when "Are These Our Lives?" actually came out, it seemed like the label didn't care about the record at all, and did very little to push it out there to the world. They would run big half page ads in numerous zines for all the other releases that summer, but ATOL would never get more than a tiny blurb in the bottom corner of the ad. After Trial's break up in 2000, EVR seemed content to just let ATOL go out of print. ...

Thursday, May 14, 2009

Posted by xCHIPxSEM |
As of 6 am Saturday morning, I will be spending the next 2 weeks in Japan. Because of this, my participation for the webzine will be limited but I will be spending the following 2 weeks in Miami where I will have access to all of my CDs so if anyone wants something ripped and posted let me know. Jake is still conducting interviews and Justin will still be posting so the webzine will not stop while Im gone, just maybe slow down a bit. Expect an interview with Mean Season in the near future as well. While Im in Japan, Ill be meeting up with Hiro...
Posted by xCHIPxSEM |
The first full length from NY's All Out War. Long out of print, I finally got a copy in the mail today off of Ebay for .99 cents. I did a high quality 320 kbps rip of the record and a nice high quality scan of the record cover. I had heard rumors of a re-release of this but nothing to show for it. Enjoy.All Out War - Truth In The Age Of Lies
Posted by xCHIPxSEM |
Hey y'all, Jake/Andrew Jacobs here with an interview that I did this past month with Kevin Murphy of Farside, Headfirst and 411 fame. As 411 still holds the title as my #1 favorite Orange County, California band of all time since their inception in 1990 and Farside & Headfirst are in my top 10 (not to mention the fact that Kevin has always been and continues to be one of the coolest guys I know in the scene), I've decided to write the lead-in...

Tuesday, May 12, 2009

Posted by xCHIPxSEM |
So as most people know, Im a huge merch hound so naturally I went to Burning Fight with high hopes of picking up merch to add to my collection. I was genuinely disappointed in the lack of merch that the reuniting bands produced (most had none to speak of) but a few of the bands came through and heres what I scored. Shirts For a Cure was selling an Unbroken design but if no one told you it was Unbroken you wouldnt have been able to tell, so I didnt...

Monday, May 11, 2009

Posted by xjustinx |
All 13 songs, and it sounds great.

Friday, May 8, 2009

Posted by xjustinx |
To make a long story short, my wife clearly loves me, because I got a surprise email yesterday with a flight itinerary to California for the show! If you see me there, please feel free to say ...
Posted by xCHIPxSEM |
Once again, Jake Jacobs interviews one of the greats and brings us Jordan Cooper, co-founder of Revelation Records. While many can argue that Rev is much more of an 80's piece of hardcore history, Rev did release some great and important records in the 90s including releases from In My Eyes, Better Than a Thousand, Battery, Damnation AD, and Morning Again. I spoke to Jake and hes got some great stuff lined up so continue to check back...until then,...

Thursday, May 7, 2009

Posted by xjustinx |
Jav has been kind enough to use us as the news breaker on this one. Suffice to say, I'm very excited to get my hands on this release:My labor of love, pain, and ambition is finally drawing completion. This weekend, Disembodied puts the final touches on THE PSALM OF SHEOL, a collection of 14 songs. Some of these songs have only been available on vinyl, some on comps, and some have never been heard before. I had hoped to have the record out before...

Wednesday, May 6, 2009

Posted by xCHIPxSEM |
Once again, Andrew "Jake" Jacobs comes through and brings us an interview with Joe Nelson, former member of Ignite, The Killing Flame, and Triggerman. Again, thanks to him for going above and beyond as well as Joe for taking the time to do the interview.You were the original singer for the Orange County, California hardcore mainstay Ignite. Did you have any idea back in '93 when you joined Ignite that they would still be going strong 16 years later?Ummmmmmmmm...