Right before I left for Japan, Jon Dennison (Unholy, The Promise, Another Victim, etc) sent me a package with various laminates from tours he had done as well as this weekend guide to Syracuse's first weekend festival. The fest was organized by Keith (In Hell of Hellfest) Allen and Ryan (Hanging Like A Hex) Canavan and took place over 3 days in June of 1997. The lineup...pretty much any fan of 90s hardcore dream. Snapcase, Ten Yard Fight, Culture, Coalesce, Despair, Indecision, Hatebreed, Day Of Suffering, Another Victim, Ascension...unreal. On the schedule, on Sunday, is a special guest that is unlisted. Im assuming its Framework, the Brown Stars, or Human Shield. If anyone knows, leave a comment and Ill update it. The guide also gives descriptions of the bands written by the organizers and most are pretty funny. The organizers also wrote about their feelings regarding hardcore and its a pretty cool read. Ive got more stuff to scan but for now, enjoy.

This is a really, really good post.
I was at that fest - for at least 2 days of it. Interviewed TYF (they later put the interview on their page as the best interview with them ever!) for my zine Jawa. Good times - still got my despair shirt from that fest as well.
I was there for at least 2 days. Coalesce and Morning Again were both great.
Good post.
I think Path of Resistance was the special guest. could be wrong though.
This is the show where Jeremy Frary showed up with a gun and tried to shoot Earth Crisis before being tackled by police.
Then I was definitely at that show.
Guav, I definitely remember the gun incident. Crazy! I also remember working the fest and helping the bands load in, down the stairs at Hungry Charlies, what was I thinking??????
That's cool you put this up. I still have my guide as well and putting the fest together was a real crazy experience! As for the 'special guest' it was supposed to be the Brown Stars. But some of the ExC guys (whom were also in Brown Stars) didn't want people to get the wrong idea about them (seeing as the band was just a joke), so they declined to play. A local band called Tread (previously known as Samsara) played instead. Yeah, kind of a letdown to the people who thought it was going to be something crazy.
This is completely insane, all these bands in one place..wow...and descriptions are really funny... :))
This becomes my favorite post from now on :))
This is one of two Syracuse shows I was at. I was just there for Staurday only. The other syracuse show I was at was EC, Overcast, Turmoil, and Cannon (at the Lost Horizon I think).
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