Tuesday, March 31, 2009

Posted by xCHIPxSEM |
After Ryan Hex sent me the history of "Hanging Like A Hex", I asked him about the last record that The Funeral self-released. Well Ryan comes through again and sent me the songs plus scans of the inserts. Im almost positive that their full length "Ruled By None" is out of print so if thats the case, expect an upload of that as well as their demo. Again, big thanks to Ryan for helping us out. The download also includes the scans as well.The Funeral...

Monday, March 30, 2009

Posted by xCHIPxSEM |
Poison The Well's first full length "The Opposite of December" blew the doors on everyone. Sure there were a few bands doing the screaming/singing thing (New Day Rising) but no one reached the level that these guys did as quickly. After releasing an Ep on Goodlife Recordings, Trustkill offered to put out their full length. I remember going to see them about 5-6 months before the full length came out and just saying to myself "Man they got real good"....
Posted by xCHIPxSEM |
Ryan Canavan has been going to shows in Syracuse for years and has contributed much of his time and effort into the zine "Hanging Like a Hex". In the 90s, Hex was one of the best zines out there and was one of my favorites along with Hardware and Anti-Matter. The zine folded around 2005/2006 but the label, Hex Records, continues on and has numerous releases planned this year. Check out the label here: Hex Records. Ryan still lives in Syracuse and...

Sunday, March 29, 2009

Posted by xCHIPxSEM |
Real good chugga chugga 90s hardcore from Germany. This was released on Lost & Found (yeah them again) in 1994 or 95. The dudes in the band were 14 I think when this was released...I remember checking it out just based on how young they were. They did release 2 more records though Im not sure what they are doing (if anything) now *NEW LINK* Boiling Point - Conquered By Ignora...

Saturday, March 28, 2009

Posted by xjustinx |
You don't have a blogger account, so I don't know how to get in touch with you. Please shoot me an email at thedeadunknown@gmail.com. We have something of great importance to discu...

Friday, March 27, 2009

Posted by xjustinx |
With all the talk on here recently of the youth crew revival recently, I decided to rip the Ten Yard Fight/Fastbreak split 7", which they dubbed "The Bout Of The Century". The first press of this record was limited to 1,000 on red vinyl, and I believe that only the first 500 were numbered. Another press came along on blue vinyl, and was limited to 500 copies with an alternate cover:Ten Yard Fight / Fastbreak - The Bout Of The Century[1997 - Contention...

Thursday, March 26, 2009

Posted by xCHIPxSEM |
Someone asked me to up this so here it is. To me, this is one of the defining moments of late 90s hardcore and definitely one of the best records of the youth crew revival. Its almost a crime that this record is out of print. Someone seriously needs to re-release this (hint hint). If anyone knows the name of the bonus song at the end of "Photo Finish" please let me know so I can fix it in my Itunes. *NEW LINK* Fastbreak - Fast Cars, Fast Wo...
Posted by xjustinx |
Refuse To Fall's "Soulfire" 7" was the second release on Equal Vision Records. These guys were way into krishna. Honestly, I don't know a whole lot here. I was never a big fan of krishna, or this record really. I'd say side B is definitely better than side A though. Take a listen and judge for yourself.Refuse To Fall - Soulfire[1991 - Equal Vision Records]http://www.mediafire.com/?nyzdt2zl...
Posted by xjustinx |
I received this in the mail today from Brian, who played guitar in Canon. I was expecting a standard 11 x 17 poster, but was excitedly surprised to find an 18 x 24 poster inside the package. A big thanks goes out to Brian. Let's all hope a cassette of that one (or two according to some) unreleased track gets found sometime so...

Wednesday, March 25, 2009

Posted by xCHIPxSEM |
One thing you may not know about me (Chip) is that as much as I love the 90s style bands (and boy do I), I do enjoy some of the 90s Youth Crew Revival bands. Granted the scene eventually became saturated with 1000's of bands that sounded the same, there were the few that stood out and did the style well. The first band I remember hearing about was Ten Yard Fight. The band released a demo and a 7 inch which would later be released together by Big...
Posted by xCHIPxSEM |
To be honest, I dont remember what year this came out but I think it was 1994 or 95. This was included with an issue of Inside Front which was written by Brian from Catharsis. Tracks from Tension (FL), Timescape Zero, Abhinanda, and more...great comp. Check it outInside Front - CD Compilat...
Posted by xCHIPxSEM |
Alright one more video. Again, I did not attend Cleveland Fest but all I remember hearing and continue hearing about is how incredible Abnegation was. The band really never got their due to be honest but watch this video and just see the intensity. Their material can be downloaded from AJ's "Path To Misery" blog. All of their material is out of pri...

Tuesday, March 24, 2009

Posted by xCHIPxSEM |
I remember hearing about this when it happened back in 1996. To be honest I dont know what caused it but at 1:38 in, you can see a kid in a green shirt jump onto the crowd and give the singer the finger (at least thats what it looks like) during the song "Pure Disgust". Mean Steve proceeds to come off stage after the kid and a riot erupts. On the Moo Cow Records site, Jim, the owner of Moo Cow, talks about selling his brand new copies of the New Day Rising/Despair split 7 inch and then having to shield them with his body so as to not to have any...
Posted by xCHIPxSEM |
This was shot at their reunion in 2005. Im pretty sure it was on the East Coast because they were supposed to play Hellfest that year. If anyone has the details, pass em on. Just the one song and man the crowd is loving...

Monday, March 23, 2009

Posted by xCHIPxSEM |
Southern California's Force of Change has announced they will be playing their final show, May 15 at the Chain Reaction in Anaheim, CA. This bums me out since they were one of the newer bands that I really liked and I never got to the see them. Their full length "The Bond We Share" was one of my favorite releases of 2006 and is still in constant rotation. Not sure what the rest of the members are up to now but the singer Dave is in Monument to Thieves...

Sunday, March 22, 2009

Posted by xCHIPxSEM |
Heres a video I uploaded of the ISHC covering Shai Hulud's "For The World" with Chad on vocals. Members of Four Year Strong are on guitars and the rest is made up of Ian and Cyrus of ISHC/NFG. There was also a video of them playing the song the next day in Tallahassee which you can see myself and Tony Love stagediving when the song opens but its no longer available on Youtube. Heres the ISHC covering Shai Hulud in Jacksonville, Fl 10/4...

Saturday, March 21, 2009

Posted by xCHIPxSEM |
Here we are with part 3 of our coverage on current bands playing 90s style hardcore. As stated before, I plan to continue doing these so if you have a band or know a band that should be mentioned here, shoot us an email at xstuckinthepastx@gmail.comMonument To Thieves - Southern CaliforniaI was extremely excited when this band was announced...members of Throwdown and Force of Change playing Disembodied influenced hardcore. Sign me up. Super heavy....
Posted by xCHIPxSEM |
Justin actually scanned this awhile ago for me and I just realized I had it. This is an interview with Canon that was conducted sometime in 1994 or 95 for Still Standing zine. Justin scanned the pages as well as the cover. Also I included a flyer promoting the 7 inch as well as the elusive "urban legend" of the Canon MCD that was to include 2 bonus songs. This has been a topic of discussion many times on the Catalyst Records board and Ive pretty...

Friday, March 20, 2009

Posted by xCHIPxSEM |
Check out Chris Higdon's (vocalist and guitarist for Falling Forward and Elliott) new band, Frontier(s) on Myspa...
Posted by xjustinx |
Inside Front was a zine done by Brian D. of Catharsis/Crimethinc fame, and issues came out on a semi regular basis from 1994 to the early 2000s. It was quite common for the zine to be accompanied by a comp, and this one titled "No Exit" was the first of them. Although I often found the romanticized politics to be over the top, there's no denying that Catharsis, and most of the bands encompassing Inside Front/Crimethinc were awesome.va - No Exit...
Posted by xCHIPxSEM |
Louisville had a knack for pumping out great bands and Falling Forward is definitely in my top 3. How this record is no longer in print is beyond me. "Hand Me Down" is just one of those records you have to get someone to sit down and listen to because when today's generation hears the word "Emo", they probably think of 4 or 5 guys dressed in extremely tight pants, ironed hair, goofy sunglasses and pastel colored shirts. If thats what you think of...
Posted by xCHIPxSEM |
With the reunion of Split Lip/Chamberlain for Burning Fight in Chicago and a few other shows, Doghouse is reissuing "Fate's Got A Driver" on limited vinyl with new artwork and bonus tracks. This is only being issued on vinyl but does include a download code for all the tracks as well bonus songs not included on the re-release. Heres what Doghouse Records has to say about the re-release:"We are proud to announce the vinyl reissue of Chamberlain's...

Thursday, March 19, 2009

Posted by xjustinx |
Eighty-Eight were a short lived side project from Seattle that featured Timm McIntosh (Trial, Wait In Vain) on vocals, and the majority of Seattle hardcore band Last Man Standing as the musicians. They started just doing covers of youth crew songs, but eventually started writing some originals, and that's how this demo came about. The tape has two original songs, and a cover of Positive Outlook by Youth of Today. Eighty-Eight sets were always...

Wednesday, March 18, 2009

Posted by xjustinx |
This is one of the most highly anticipated reunion records of the last few years, and Earth Crisis definitely don't disappoint with To The Death. The people at Century Media were kind enough to send us a download of the album, and it's my humble opinion that this is probably the perfect comeback record.The album opens up like a beast with the track "Against the Current." Leading into an album with a mosh part can be risky, but they pull it off...

Tuesday, March 17, 2009

Posted by xCHIPxSEM |
Was this any surprise? Disembodied killed it. I mean it wasnt even close. Beyond excited to see them in May...we started a new poll, Best Frontman part 2. We said we werent finished when we did the last one because there were just too many amazing frontmen to pick from so heres part...
Posted by xCHIPxSEM |
During the 90's, it wasnt uncommon to go to a show and see kids wearing Tulasi neck beads, usually wrapped around as few as once or covering the entire neck (come on, you know that one kid who did this). Hare Krishna's most vocal supporters came in the form of the two biggest Krishnacore bands in the 90s, Shelter and 108. While both of these bands could arguably be called the first Krishnacore bands, members of the NYHC scene in the 80s were preaching...