Wednesday, March 31, 2010

Posted by Anonymous |
Posted by xCHIPxSEM | File under : , ,
Someone asked me to up this some time ago and I just realized I hadn't yet. This band was the precursor to Floorpunch featuring future members of said band as well members of Endeavor. The band was formerly known as Kurbjaw. This was released only on vinyl by Resurrection AD Records, a New Jersey based label that focused mainly on its local scene. To the best of my knowledge, Spirit only released this 7 inch before disbanding. 4 songs of fast old...

Sunday, March 28, 2010

Posted by xCHIPxSEM | File under : ,
Yesterday, Monster from Purification sent me an email addressing the rumors that the band has any affiliations with any time of racist movement. Here's what the band had to say on the issue:In reply to the false rumors that have been circulating, we want to make clear that Purification NEVER had, has or will have anything to do with any xenophobe, nationalist, fascist or nazist movement.We are outraged by those people filled with envy and hate with nothing better to do that spread false news over the web to put Purification in a bad light.We...

Friday, March 26, 2010

Posted by xCHIPxSEM | File under : , , ,
As mentioned in a post last year, I love ATL's Foundation. Awesome dudes who love the core and tour their asses off finally get the recognition they deserve by signing with Bridge 9 Records. Here's a statement from Bridge 9:Things are busy here at Bridge Nine Records and we are more than excited to announce another addition to our roster - Atlanta's straight edge hardcore stalwarts Foundation. No strangers to to the road, Foundation has been seen...
Posted by XhcnoirX | File under : , , ,
Knut from Switzerland has been around since 1994 and are still going strong, in fact their new album 'Wonder' will be out in May/June. Their sound can only be described as devastating and crushing. Intense, abrasive and loud stuff, tho they've added more mellow parts to their sound over the years. Here's a self-released and hand-made CD-R of theirs called 'DIY CD1' from 1999, which I got on their European tour with Creation Is Crucifixion. My...
Posted by xCHIPxSEM | File under : ,
How I just found out about this is beyond me...Im a bad collector. Anyway, is Cabal clothing back? I dont know but Ill get in touch with Guav and find out. Pretty sure you'll find these on Ebay on Monday for some stupid amount of money. Cabal is printing 24 of these to sell at United Blood fest this weekend. Will Guav be printing more eventually? I'll be crossing my fingers. If you missed our scans of the old Cabal catalog that Guav scanned and sent...
Posted by xCHIPxSEM | File under : , , , ,
Bound were based out of New Jersey and went on to release a full length and a 7 inch if memory serves. They featured Jason Shevchuk on vocals who would go on to Kid Dynamite and None More Black as well as the original drummer from Reach the Sky. This interview is from I Stand Alone zine ...

Wednesday, March 24, 2010

Posted by XhcnoirX | File under : , , ,
'Three Steps Back', which was released just last month on Dead City Records is Killing Time's first record since 1996's 'The Method' album, and only the 3rd full-length since their debut-album 'Brightside' was released in 1989. To me, 'Brightside' is one of the best NYHC albums of the late '80s, and singer Anthony Comunale has one of the best throats in NYHC history. However, the records they did since (2 EP's and the aforementioned 'The Method')...

Sunday, March 21, 2010

Posted by xCHIPxSEM | File under : ,
My friend Gabe was nice enough to scan and send this to me. Big ups to him for being an all around great dude. This is from the Rev catalog 1998-99 right after the band released "Hearts Once Nourished With Hope and Compassion". Short but a nice little re...
Posted by Anonymous |
We're not ones to post rumors very often but there has been some sort of buzz around Southern California about Outspoken playing a 20th anniversary reunion show sometime in mid-late 2010. As huge fans, we can only hope that this idea actually materializes.If we hear anything more, we will let you know. Also, check the band's Facebook, Myspace and page on the New Age Records website.Facebook:

Saturday, March 20, 2010

Posted by xCHIPxSEM | File under : ,
The pride of Newburgh, All Out War, will enter the studio in late April to track their 5th full length. Tentatively, the record will be coming out on Victory unless something has changed that Im unaware of. Either way, Im pump...

Friday, March 19, 2010

Posted by xjustinx | File under : , , ,
A few months ago, I was having a conversation with Tom Sheehan, and he mentioned off hand that Indecision's "Unorthodox" record was never actually mastered, and neither were any of the Indecision recordings prior to it. They were all young, and a bit naive at the time, so they just didn't understand the advantages of mastering a recording. According to Tom, Ron Thal even asked them if they wanted to master it, but they turned down the service,...

Thursday, March 18, 2010

Posted by xCHIPxSEM |
Stuck In The Past Distro and WebstoreStuck In The Past Distro and WebstoreFinally got around to updating the webstore...Ive received loads of stuff so please check it out and see if there is anything you me get out of debt. Many of these I only received 1 or 2 copies of so once they're gone, that's it. Ive also got a few 10 inches that Ill add tomorrow so check back for that.7 inches-Abnegation / Chapter - Split-As I Bleed / Denied Reality - Split-A Death Between Seasons - Weighing Contradictions Through Gravity-Dragbody / Burial Ground...
Posted by xCHIPxSEM |
Monster from Purification sent me a list of the first groups of bands that have been announced to play this year Fluff Fest. The fest will be July in Rokycany near Pilsen, Czech Republic on July 23, 24, and 25.FLUFF FEST 201023rd, 24th & 25th july 2010Rokycany near Pilsen, Czech Republic ANOTHER BREATH [us] heavy, aggressive and thick hardcore from syracuse , ny. after VERSE and HAVE HEART called it a day, these guys hold the torch of positive sxe hardcore with an intelligent personal approach.MUNICIPAL WASTE [us] a chance to...

Wednesday, March 17, 2010

Posted by xjustinx |
It's come to my attention that John Dudeck has taken ill. For those that don't know, John was the founder/owner of Very Distro. I remember buying a 7" in the mid 90s, and their was a small xerox ad for Very Distro inside of it. After sending an SASE (if you don't know what that is, you're not old enough) to get a catalog, I made dozens upon dozens of orders from Very over the years, and spent an untold thousands of dollars. In those early days,...

Monday, March 15, 2010

Posted by xCHIPxSEM | File under : , , , , ,
Once upon a time in the 90's, Trustkill Record released some serious great and legit records from bands like Harvest, Endeavor, Brother's Keeper and Despair. As most labels do when they are starting out, they print up shirts for promotion and one of the most well known was the "Top 10 Straight Edge Lies" design. A few of them make me say "...ummm alright" but some like "my hair is naturally yellow" are good for a laugh. Definitely a good ...

Wednesday, March 10, 2010

Posted by xCHIPxSEM |
Keepin it real in 2001 (yes this was a joke)Just a quick little update...Im currently in the process of moving back to Miami so my participation lately has been minimal to say the least. Thankfully everyone else has been stepping up to fill the gaps Ive left. I get into Miami tomrrow night, then on Saturday my fiance's parents come into town. Basically, I won't be able to do much updating until next week. Just wanted to let you guys know...we've...
Posted by jav |
In June of 2009, Disembodied played Chain Reaction in Anaheim, CA. I set the two shows up, and I really tried to get a mix of "old" and "new" bands. I tried to get SO many OC bands from the 90s and beyond, and not too many people wanted to play believe it or not. One band that I somehow convinced to play was Mean Season.I've been a huge fan of Mean Season since I first heard the 7" in like 1993. I saw them many times, including their last show....
Posted by XhcnoirX | File under : , , , , , , ,
As requested by one of our readers, here are the Drowning/Restrain split 7" from 1997 and the self-titled MCD from 1999 by this French band. Hailing from Paris, Drowning started out in 1996 as a heavy NYHC meets beatdown band and over time became a full-on deathmetal band. On the split 7" with Restrain they still played their old tough hardcore with their old line-up, which featured Jean-Marc on vocals, the guy who did Inner Rage Records (Starkweather,...

Tuesday, March 9, 2010

Posted by jav | File under : ,
In honor of our 700th post, I thought I would break out something from the 'zine vault. This interview comes from BUT STILL I'M JUST SAYIN' zine, which came out of Huntington Beach in what I'd guess was 1995 or 1996.Battle lines were drawn. It was very clear to everyone that you were either WITH the infamous Monster Crew, or you were AGAINST them. Being old now, I "get" it. But then, I didn't understand where the animosity came from.But, it wasn't...

Sunday, March 7, 2010

Posted by Anonymous |
Interviewing your close friends is one thing but interviewing your immediate family members is downright creepy. Nevertheless, here's a recent interview that I did with my brother and my other better half, Evan Jacobs. I chose to make Evan's 15+ year independent film career and his Anhedenia Films imprint the primary focus of this interview but as you'll read, it absolutely ties in with '90s hardcore, particularly in Orange County, California....

Friday, March 5, 2010

Posted by xCHIPxSEM | File under : ,
Kurt Catalyst just messaged me saying that the debut full length from Abandon is now available to stream on the Catalyst Records site. We did a review for the record last week and its killer (the record, not my review). Kurt is still taking preorders for the next week or 2, so jump on that before its too late to get a limited tshi...

Tuesday, March 2, 2010

Posted by xCHIPxSEM |
Ghost Ship has signed a deal to release a full length with Seventh Dagger. The record is slated to be released sometime this year though no official date has been set. We'll keep you up to date as we know more but Im pumped for my dudes, keeping the spirit of Syracuse Straight Edge alive. You can still download the demo we posted he...
Posted by XhcnoirX | File under : , , , ,
Neckbrace was a vegan sXe band from the UK in the early to mid '90s. In 1994 they released their only record, a self-titled 7", possible demo('s) notwithstanding. To me, this is a self-titled 7" anyways, but it sometimes shows up on lists with the titles 'Better Way', which is the first song on here, or 'X' cuz of the drawing on the cover. Either way, this 7" is pretty damn solid, mid-tempo chugga chugga from start to finish, all good, I love...

Monday, March 1, 2010

Posted by xCHIPxSEM | File under : , , ,
Growing up in South Florida, hardcore made a big shift in styles in the early 90s (this is before my time) heading in a much more metal direction. In my opinion, Strongarm was one band who helped shaped this new direction and Culture was the other. I really feel like Culture was a very important and influential band on the 90s hardcore band, especially in Europe. Many of the early releases on Goodlife Recordings were heavily influenced by both Culture...