Monday, May 31, 2010

Posted by xjustinx |
For those that are unaware, Glory Kid Records is a hardcore label run by a swell guy named Andy out of Southern California. Over the last few years, he's been putting out some solid releases on a pretty consistent basis. If you recall, the 90s was really filled with two kinds of labels, you had the likes of Victory who were trying to become more professional and were pushing units into major shopping outlets, and you had the more DIY centric labels...
Posted by xCHIPxSEM | File under : ,
Happy Memorial Day everyone. Im heading out to meet up with some friends for a relaxing day but thought everyone would wanna see this. Disembodied played the Chain Reaction (their second home) in Anaheim, CA this past Friday before heading up to play Rain Fest. At the end of their set, our very own trouble maker Jav came out as did Marc Jackson and the band ran through 2 Martyr AD songs. The band just put the songs up on Youtube so here you go, enjoy. Everyone have a safe holid...

Sunday, May 30, 2010

Posted by Anonymous |
I just got an email from Hartsfield saying that 207 copies of the Outspoken - Survival 7" EP on burnt orange vinyl (limited to 2 copies per order) and 30 copies of the very limited "77 Pressing" of it on bubble gum pink vinyl (limited to 1 copy per order) are available now on the New Age Records site for only $4.50 each! Get 'em while they're hot!
Posted by xCHIPxSEM | File under : , , ,
While I was in Japan back in April, I went to see Shai Hulud who were on tour with Endzweck. I met up with them for dinner before the show started and then we made our way back to the venue which was 2 floors under the main street in Shibuya. Im hanging out with my friend Koba and he tells me I need to see this band Inside, who was opening the show. I was planning to see them anyway but went in to check them out. They seriously blew up the stage....
Posted by XhcnoirX | File under : , , , , ,
After the Shaft/Jane split CD got posted on the awesome Mind Intrusion blog, I offered to rip him the 'Taskmaster' MCD from 1997. So here it is, 4 songs of great death metal/metalcore with lyrics emphasizing the atheist beliefs of singer Dirk Jochums. They took the Belgian H8000 sound (even recording in one of the more popular studios for H8000 bands to record at, Studio Midas) and adding death metal influences to it, slightly similar to Deformity....

Thursday, May 27, 2010

Posted by xjustinx |
To celebrate RAINFEST and the beginning of the BANE/STRIKE ANYWHERE Canadian tour, AT BOTH ENDS is holding a contest to win a mega-prize pack that includes one set of test presses from the 2x7” that includes BANE, GRADE, UNRESTRAINED and BETWEEN EARTH AND SKY.ENTER THE CONTEST HERE’s what’s up...

Tuesday, May 25, 2010

You probably know that before Poison the Well took the name that would skyrocket them to hardcore glory, they were known as An Acre Lost (and actually Doubting Thomas before that) and released a split with Miami's Promise No Tomorrow on Ohev Records. What you may not have known is that they actually made shirts during their time as An Acre Lost. I knew about the second design but not the first. I came across the first one on Ebay about 2 weeks ago...

Sunday, May 23, 2010

Posted by Anonymous |
Jason "Electric Hillbilly" Hampton, singer/frontman or member of countless '90s hardcore bands, kicks off the 2010s with, you guessed it, another new band - The Beautiful Buzzards. Rounding out the lineup are Grant Peterson on bass and Hampton's fellow '90s hardcore alumnus Barry Fader on drums. They just finished recording a 5 song demo available for free download on their website. Check it out but be warned - to quote Barry's brother Sean, "this...

Saturday, May 22, 2010

Posted by xCHIPxSEM | File under :
You may or may not know that from 2002 to 2004, I played guitar for the third incarnation of Where Fear and Weapons Meet. The band broke up in 2001 then decided to get back together and asked me to play second guitar. I had been friends with them before they started the band and was a fan so naturally I joined. This interview was originally printed in Open Zine #11, a South Florida based zine in the 90s and early 2000s. Not incredibly long but it...

Friday, May 21, 2010

Posted by xCHIPxSEM |
Im thinking about making Stuck In The Past tshirts...would you guys seriously be interested in this? Id like to make a straight edge design as well as a non-straight edge design but is this worth me doing it? Readers, leave a comment, anonymous or signed in, if you think you would be interested in purchasing o...

Thursday, May 20, 2010

Posted by xCHIPxSEM | File under : ,
I had planned on posting something else but a friend of mine brought up the full length of Where Eagles Dare and my train of thought was completely derailed. No, this is not the full length, this is actually the debut EP from Arizona's Where Eagles Dare. I can't quite remember how I became friends with their bass player, John. I think we had mutual friends...either way he told me about his band and sent me a copy of the record. The band played fast...

Wednesday, May 19, 2010

Posted by Anonymous |
No doubt many of you are curious to know about the upcoming Outspoken reunion shows and what else is in store for this '90s hardcore staple, so hopefully this interview that I did recently with Mike Hartsfield will answer some of those questions for you. On a personal note, I've known Hartsfield since '92 and not only is he one of the coolest and nicest guys in the hardcore scene but his devotion to both hardcore and to Straight Edge simply...
Posted by Anonymous |
VRY MTL. 'nuff said.Headfirst - The Enemy [1991 - Workshed Records]

Monday, May 17, 2010

Posted by xjustinx | File under : , , , ,
The late 90s saw an influx of great bands rising in the Northwest, such as Everything Went Black, Backside Disaster, and Champion, but one of the greatest of them all was Left With Nothing. Not only did Left With Nothing come down to play Portland quite often, but my friend Conrad and I were driving to Seattle three or four times a month to catch shows up there as well, so I was fortunate to see Left With Nothing play dozens upon dozens of times....
Posted by XhcnoirX | File under : , , , ,
The Netherlands has never been known for its vegan sXe hardcore scene/bands. Here's an exception from the late '90s, Driven from Amsterdam. They were an outspoken and fairly political vegan sXe band, which was (and is) a rarity in the Dutch scene. Driven was part of the so-called ADHC, the Amsterdam Hardcore crew, a group of people and bands from Amsterdam in the mid to late '90s who formed their own little scene. Other bands included Life Is Pain...
Posted by xCHIPxSEM | File under : , , , ,
This is another story that has been a long time coming. Rich Thurston has been a part of some of the most recognizable and important bands of the 90s. He has a great story to tell and told me that he wanted to touch on everything, not holding anything back. This is the first part in what is going to be quite a lengthy interview so get ready because Rich speaks his mind.I want to preface this by stating that the opinions expressed belong to Rich and...