Friday, July 30, 2010

Posted by xCHIPxSEM | File under : , ,
I received an email today from Buske informing me that Another Victim now has a tumblr. The site has footage of the band, MP3s, photos and general information all leading up to the bands performance at this years Bloodaxe Festival in Tokyo (shout out to my dudes in the 168 and 178). Don't forget, you can still order the band's discography, A Bitter End, from Closed Casket Activities (hi Justin) for only ...

Thursday, July 29, 2010

Posted by Anonymous |
From the 1124 Records website:It looks like we've lined up THE KILLING FLAME - SAVE YOURSELF LP as our next release and we couldn't be more excited to give these songs a proper vinyl release. The LP will include the 9 songs from the Save Yourself sessions as well as 3-4 songs from the Nine More Lives CD, which only saw a foreign release.Check back for updat...

Tuesday, July 27, 2010

Posted by Anonymous |
I apologize in advance for beating y'all over the head with the Hardcore for Education organization so often in the past couple of months but I felt that it's founder, André-Tascha Lammé, would make for a good interview, so here we are. Enjoy. - JakeWhat is Hardcore for Education and what is it's purpose?I have a child in the public school system in Sacramento, California. With the current economic climate in this country (especially in California),...
Posted by xCHIPxSEM | File under : ,
Finally!!! The new All Out War record, "Into The Killing Fields", is coming out Tuesday, August 3 via Victory Records. We haven't received a promo copy of the record yet but based on how good the last record "Assassins In The House Of God" was, I'm betting this will be right on par. The band hasn't put up a song yet but when they do, we'll keep you posted. Victory is offering a preorder which includes a long sleeve t-shirt and the CD or a long sleeve...

Monday, July 26, 2010

Posted by Anonymous |
Friday, July 23rd, 2010Saturday, July 24th, 2010Sunday, July 25th, 2010Be sure to check out the Future Breed website for LOTS more great phot...

Sunday, July 25, 2010

Posted by Anonymous |

Saturday, July 24, 2010

Posted by XhcnoirX | File under : , , , ,
Here's a relatively short-lived French band from the late '90s who I feel never really got the recognition they deserved. Which is unfortunate, Children really had something special going on. Anyways, as far as I know this is a complete discography of this band. Children started off with their 1997 demo called 'Dead - The Story Of A Suicide'. A pretty good 30-minute long demo which already showed some signs of what was about to come. They...

Thursday, July 22, 2010

Posted by xCHIPxSEM |
As if I didn't have enough on my plate with getting married, running Stuck in the Past and the South Florida blog, working and trying to get a new band off the ground, I along with my fiance, my cousin and my best friend have launched a clothing line called Vessil. This idea stemmed from our trip to Japan back in April when we saw numerous clothing lines and felt like we as a collective had something to bring to the table. We got to work and present...
Posted by xCHIPxSEM |
While this has nothing to do with 90s hardcore, please take the time to read this as a favor to me...If you have anything in your paypal, anything will help. George is one of the DJ's who trained me and has been my friend for over 15 years...Im just trying to do what I can in the community that has always been there for me. We are having a benefit for him tonight at our skating rink in Miami (which I know many of you are nowhere near) but if you...

Wednesday, July 21, 2010

Posted by Anonymous | here to check out the other 2010 Outspoken mer...

Monday, July 19, 2010

Posted by Anonymous |
Yet another '80s hardcore band that had a tremendous impact on '90s hardcore, so that's why I chose to mention this here. Per the DischordOrders Twitter, Dischord will be releasing (or re-releasing rather) Dag Nasty's classic 1986 album Can I Say with vocals by original singer Shawn Brown on 10/11/10. Check out the Dischord website for all the in...

Friday, July 16, 2010

Posted by Anonymous |
The Hardcore for Education eBay auction is fast approaching (tentatively slated for sometime in the first half of August 2010). Here is a brief list of some of the items which will be available . Click here to be kept up to speed on all upcoming items as well as photos of said items and whatnot.Donor: Revelation RecordsSick of It All, s/t (7", Revelation 3, Clear - this is the Record Store Day Version)Revelation 100: 15 Year Retrospective (Dual...
Posted by xCHIPxSEM |
The votes are in and it looks the SITP tshirts will be printed on black and athletic grey shirts. Thanks so much for all your votes and input. I am currently waiting confirmation from Matt Miller on the images I asked to use so as soon as he receives permission from the bands, they will be printed. More updates as they come but for now thats whats happening on my end. Thanks again for all your support.Chip ...

Thursday, July 15, 2010

Posted by xCHIPxSEM | File under : , ,
As One Day Savior Records has been dormant for a few years, I've been picking up some of their releases to make sure I get my hands on them before they also go the way of the Do-Do. I realized that I didn't own the first CD from North Carolina's vegan machine, Undying. So I checked Amazon the other day and found a copy for about $7 used, not a bad find. The picture and description show the One Day Savior release so much to my surprise, when I opened...
Posted by Anonymous |
Per Philippe Arama:This is a song that we recorded in February 2010. It has already been re-recorded and will appear in our new 7" along with 2 other new songs. The release will be handled by an outstanding hardcore label, REACT! Records and will be available before the end of this year. Thanks for reading!link: Of Promise:Look into these eyes and read sincerity. I'm driven to you by a flow. It's sprung...

Wednesday, July 14, 2010

Posted by xCHIPxSEM |
Does anyone have a copy of this? The first issue had a scene report for South Florida...Id love either a scan of the report or the physical copy. Please shoot me an email or leave a comment. ThanksChip XXXDancefloorjustice305@yahoo....

Tuesday, July 13, 2010

Posted by Anonymous |
Posted by Anonymous |
I realize that CDs are kind of persona non grata at this point but they are and always will be my most preferred music format, so I'm gonna do whatever I can to keep 'em from going extinct. - Jake

Monday, July 12, 2010

Posted by xCHIPxSEM | File under : , , ,
So right about now, you're probably saying to yourself "Who the fuck is Brethren and why is Chip putting them on the blog?". Well the answer is pretty simple...they were one of the first hardcore bands I ever got into. I went to my first show in 1995 and enjoyed myself, so much that I decided to go to Cheers the following week to see whomever was playing. Cheers, from 1995 to 1997, was South Florida's CBGB's. Everyone played there, all the bands...

Saturday, July 10, 2010

Posted by xjustinx | File under : , ,
From 1124 Records:I'm selling 5 copies of the test pressing of the To Us It Was So Much More - Chain of Strength Double 7"Compilation on 1124 Records.All 10 songs from the 2 COS 7"sThe record should be out in about 2 weeks but you can get a copy early.Each one comes in a silk screened cover (courtesy of Chris Daily & DSP) and each record is hand stamped.The total amount will go to the Peaceable Kingdom charity straight from your paypal payment.Peaceable...

Friday, July 9, 2010

Posted by xjustinx |
I could currently use some extra money rolling in, so I've got some auctions up over at Limited Pressing. Here's a list of what's up for sale:Aftershock / Statecraft split 7" [Slayer covers]Culture - Born Of You [blue of 200 - Goodlife press]Endeavor - Constructive Semantics LPIndecision - Unorthodox LPMorning Again / 25 Ta Life split 7" [blue]Morning Again - The Cleanest War [blue of 300 - first press]Morning Again - The Cleanest War [smokey clear of 500 - second press]Morning Again - s/t 7" [clear]Morning Again - Hand Of Hope [blue of 200]Morning...

Thursday, July 8, 2010

Posted by xCHIPxSEM | File under : ,
When Miami's Glasseater broke up, they never played a final show. Fast forward 5 years and here we are. The band is playing its reunion/final show at the end of the month in Miami and will feature both Jason on vocals as well as Julio. The band plan to play a variety of material spanning their entire career. Here's what the band has to say:Glasseater's final/reunion show. We have been talking about this for over 5 years and now everything has finally...

Wednesday, July 7, 2010

Posted by xCHIPxSEM | File under : ,
After posting the recent interviews with Rich Thurston (more to come), Mike Warden messaged me asking if he could respond to Rich's comments regarding Conquer The World Records and Culture. Since, quite often, many people have explained their side of the story when it comes to CTW, I thought "let's hear what Mike has to say for once". This is what Mike had to say about Rich's comment and again does not reflect how we at Stuck In The Past feel about Culture, CTW, or any of the parties associated with either.Rich how come this lie has to permeate...

Tuesday, July 6, 2010

Posted by xCHIPxSEM | File under : , ,
I got an email from my dudes in Ghost Ship letting me know that they have all kinds of stuff going on in their camp as of late. They are gearing up to release a record through Seventh Dagger and have a new shirt to promote the release. If you order the shirt, you receive a 3 song download for the upcoming release. If this is anything like the demo, than Im extremely excited for it. The band has also finished an interview with a UK website/zine called...

Monday, July 5, 2010

Posted by Anonymous |

Sunday, July 4, 2010

Posted by xCHIPxSEM | File under : ,
One of our readers, Eric, sent me an email telling me that the rumored Earthmover reunion is very much real and looks to be happening on October 30 in Detroit (the same day that I'm getting married so no show for me). I'm going to get in touch with Andy Dempz (Earthmover, +/- Records) and see if I can get some details but for now, the Michigan Hardcore board has a little bit of info. You can see the info by clicking here. Click the image above to...

Thursday, July 1, 2010

Here we are again, part 2 of my interview with Rich. Sorry for the delay but we should have part 3 up next week and I plan on finishing the interview soon. Again, I want to preface this by stating that the opinions expressed belong to Rich and do not reflect Stuck In The Past as a whole.EDIT: For some reason, the second half of the interview was cut off. Its fixed now and part 2 in its entirety is now up.Stuck In The Past: So you guys released Born...
Posted by xCHIPxSEM | File under :
I feel terrible because I was forwarded this at least a week ago and it slipped through my fingers. Mourningside AD is out on tour now and could use some help with getting to the next show. Check out their merch store and pick up a shirt to help them out. Here are the tour dates...again, sorry guys for taking so long.June 30 Off Broadway w/Feel Bad Now in SacramentoJuly 1 TBA w/Feel Bad NowJuly 2 Casey's House w/Feel Bad Now, Lemuria in BellinghamJuly 3 Downtown YMCA w/Feel Bad Now, Envision in SeattleJuly 5 TBA Southern Oregon w/Feel Bad NowJuly...