As if I didn't have enough on my plate with getting married, running Stuck in the Past and the South Florida blog, working and trying to get a new band off the ground, I along with my fiance, my cousin and my best friend have launched a clothing line called Vessil. This idea stemmed from our trip to Japan back in April when we saw numerous clothing lines and felt like we as a collective had something to bring to the table. We got to work and present to you 6 designs which will be our initial run.
Being the t shirt collector that I am and owning well over 800 band t shirts, some days I wake up and I just don't feel like wearing a band shirt. This helped shift the direction in which we are heading. I wanted something that was fun and simple but had nothing to do with music. My cousin, Erik Lopez aka Art Blur, has been a graphic designer for many years so having him do the design work has taken a huge weight off of our shoulders and given a new flavor to our idea.
Our initial launch will include 7 different designs and we will begin taking pre-orders shortly. For those days when you just feel like something different, try Vessil.
come on man you can't really be serious can you?
this is seriously to obvious at a blatant attempt to just make cash off of all the weak willed hardcore fan.
have you at least got permission from microsoft to use the clip art images?
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