Tuesday, August 31, 2010

Posted by xCHIPxSEM | File under : , , ,
It's no secret that I'm a big supporter of all things foreign (non-US) hardcore. My first exposure to European hardcore was Desperate Fight Records in late 1995. I got a hold of "Senseless" by Abhinanda and was blown away. I tracked down Jose (owner of DFR and vocalist for Abhinanda) and asked him to look back on the DFR catalog and give his opinion on his favorite releases. After so many great releases, it's hard to pick but here's Jose's take.My...

Monday, August 30, 2010

Posted by xCHIPxSEM |
Just got this in my email and wanted to put it up so everyone can see this is very much real. If you missed our previous post with the information regarding the Morning Again show, you can read about it here. Looks like everything is on track...if you have any further questions or need information regarding a hotel, leave a comment or shoot me an email at Dancefloorjustice305@yahoo....

Sunday, August 29, 2010

Posted by xCHIPxSEM |
The debut EP from Germany's junior powerhouse, Boiling Point. In case you missed their full length that was post last year, you can check it out here. I hadn't heard this in a while so I decided to put in while heading to work and to be honest, it still sounds pretty fresh. I know Lost & Found's marketing was the fact that the band members were all about 14 when they released this but honestly, its pretty good for any age. These guys could actually...

Saturday, August 28, 2010

Posted by xjustinx |
For those unaware, Backlash was a hardcore band from the armpit of the United States (New Jersey) that lasted from 1991 - 1997. They didn't fit any of the typical molds of mid 90s hardcore, in that they weren't a straight edge band, nor were they an East Coast tough guy band. Backlash were kind hanging out in the middle ground, just playing great, mostly mid-paced hardcore.This 28 song, double LP discography encompasses the band's entire existence,...

Thursday, August 26, 2010

Posted by Anonymous |
From the REACT! Records message board:A couple of weeks ago, a friend and former coworker of mine died in a car wreck on the way home from a weekend of camping with some of her dear friends. She and I worked together for a number of years at a group home for children who had experienced severe abuse and neglect and were placed in Washington State's foster care system. A couple of years ago, she went to work for another group home for foster and homeless youth nearing the age of emancipation from the system, a real critical moment in the life of...
Posted by xCHIPxSEM | File under : , , , ,
If there is one thing I appreciate, its a band who puts effort into their releases. Whether it's a demo or a label release, the effort a band puts into the release shows me how dedicated they are and how much they care about what they are doing. Distressed has shown me (for the second time) that they are a band with an agenda and a message that they want to spread. The band is the only band that has actually sent me physical copies of their releases...

Wednesday, August 25, 2010

Posted by Anonymous |
Pre-order info coming so...
Posted by Anonymous |
Mean Season - Bleed To Me 7" with limited edition coverONLY 47 MADEhttp://www.newagerecords.com/webstore/vinyl/na14_lim.htmlStrife - My Fire Burns On 7" on red and pink vinyl "77 Pressing"ONLY 77 MADEhttp://www.newagerecords.com/webstore/vinyl/na11.h...

Tuesday, August 24, 2010

Posted by xCHIPxSEM | File under : ,
When it comes to reunions, many people are split on the idea including members of the bands that participate. One such is Anderson Bradshaw, ex singer of Another Victim who will be reuniting to play Bloodaxe Festival this weekend in Japan. He wrote up a little something discussing the reasons for the reunion and why he is a part of it. Interesting read and worth checking out.Andy on the Another Victim reun...
Posted by xCHIPxSEM | File under : , , ,
I got an email from both of my dudes in Loyal To The Grave, Koba and Hiro, letting me know that they had a new song posted. I was pretty excited because after years of playing bass for Loyal, Koba had moved to vocals. He had previously been the singer for Unboy and while I do enjoy the band, that style wasn't the same as Loyal. Needless to say, his voice is killer and I'm real excited to hear the new material. The song is only a demo version so the...
Posted by Anonymous |
Also, Hartsfield HAS finally started shipping orders!Outspoken - A Light In The Dark LP on yellow marble vinylONLY 38 PRESSEDOutspoken - A Light In The Dark LP "77 Pressing"ONLY 77 PRESSEDhttp://newagerecords.com/out_allmerch.h...

Monday, August 23, 2010

Recently, I asked Kurt to tell me what his 5 favorite releases are for his label, Catalyst Records. Here's what he had to say:Five of my personal favorite releases, in no particular order.- CR14 Point of No Return : SparksThis was a band and release that had some special meaning for me, partially because I was introduced to Point of no Return (through the "Voices" Brazilian hardcore compilation CD) at a time when the hardcore scene in the US...

Sunday, August 22, 2010

Posted by xCHIPxSEM | File under : , , , ,
Here's part 3 of my interview with Rich Thurston. In this installment, we discuss the break up of Culture, One Nation Under, Toybox Records and his move to Ohio. We've still got one more session to post so enjoy this third installment of my interview with Rich. Again, I want to preface this by stating that the opinions expressed belong to Rich and do not reflect Stuck In The Past as a whole.Rich: So I wanted to add something to what we talked about...
Posted by xCHIPxSEM |
Someone requested a re-up of the Remain "Die Alone" CD. That has been re-upped to mediafire and is now available once again. You can check it out here if you missed it.Remain - Die Al...
Posted by Anonymous |

Saturday, August 21, 2010

Posted by Anonymous |
From RevelationRecords.com:09.16.10 Lyss, Switzerland Kulturfabrik09.17.10 Saarbrucken, Germany Garage09.18.10 Hasselt, Belgium Muziekodroom09.19.10 Den Bosch, Netherlands W209.20.10 Koln, Germany Burgerhaus Stollwerck09.21.10 Amsterdam, Netherlands Melkweg09.22.10 Hannover, Germany Faust09.23.10 Berlin, Germany So3609.24.10 Essen, Germany Jze09.25.10 Leipzig, Germany Conne Island09.26.10 Prague, Czech Republic Lucerna Music Bar09.27.10 Wien, Austria...

Friday, August 20, 2010

Posted by xCHIPxSEM | File under : ,
While I can't read everything posted on their site, Unity HxC is a great site that shares the same love for all things 90's that we do. They also have a great section depicting the original artwork that many of the 90s bands used for their album covers and inserts. For some reason, I feel like I may have reported on this in the past but in going back, I couldn't find anything so Im putting it up again just in case. They just added more images so...

Thursday, August 19, 2010

Posted by xCHIPxSEM | File under : ,
One of my favorite labels, Reaper Records, will be releasing a brand new 7 inch for one of my favorite bands, Madball. Heres the scoop from our dear friend Patrick Kitzel:We are proud to announce that legendary NYHC band MADBALL has joined forces with REAPER RECORDS to release an exclusive 7" entitled "The Real American HC".The 7" will feature 2 songs from their upcoming LP "Empire" to be released on GoodFight Entertainment. Side A will have "R.A.H.C.",...

Tuesday, August 17, 2010

Posted by xCHIPxSEM | File under : , , ,
I just got off the phone with John Wylie and he confirmed the Morning Again reunion. The show will take place at Churchill's Pub in Miami on Saturday, December 11 2010. More details will be released later this week but the following bands are scheduled to play:Morning AgainKids Like UsAll Hell Breaks LooseRemembering NeverKnock Em DeadHomestretchHarbingerThe lineup for the band will be John and Steve on guitar, Jerry on bass, Kevin on vocals and...
Posted by Anonymous |
A signed copy of the letter below will be included with the photo of Dave taken by acclaimed photographer Ken Salerno available for purchase here - http://cgi.ebay.com/Dave-Smalley-Photo-All-DYS-Dag-Nasty-Ken-Salerno-/320577333775?pt=Art_Photo_Images#ht_1172wt_930"My name is Dave Smalley. I’m a punk rock singer, screamer, songwriter, guitarist and general tattooed misfit. And I can sometimes be an idiot. But I’m also not a total idiot, for the most...

Monday, August 16, 2010

Posted by xCHIPxSEM | File under : ,
A few weeks back, I went up to Ft. Lauderdale to see John Wylie. While there, we went through the Eulogy Recordings warehouse and came across about 40-50 boxes of old Eulogy merch. We started going through the boxes and decided to open a store through Limited Pressing to sell these items at a discounted price. Theres still about 40 boxes to go through but this is the first batch of what we found so have a look and see if there might be something...
Posted by Anonymous |
From HelpGoldenEmpire.com:After a few bumps getting our non-profit paperwork processed by eBay and MissionFish, we are a go. The auction has started live on eBay as of about 9:30 PM Pacific Time on Aug 15. Items are going for ten days. Note that more items shall be added in the next few days as well. Please visit the auction page for direct links to the eBay listings.Keep up to date on this website or via Faceb...

Sunday, August 15, 2010

Posted by xCHIPxSEM | File under : , , ,
I met the guys in Losing Vision through the old Florida message board I used to post on. They were relatively young at the time (I'd guess around 18 or so) and being the guy that I am, I checked out the demo they had on their Myspace. Needless to say, I wasn't that impressed. They sounded like they had potential but they had yet to find their direction. Jump ahead to last year, about this time in Philadelphia. The band was on tour and hanging out...

Saturday, August 14, 2010

Posted by XhcnoirX | File under : , , , ,
Here is the first release (after 2 demo's) by Swedish hardcore 'legends' Refused. Hailing from Umeå, Sweden, they began in 1991 and played their final show in 1998. I'm not going to write down a biography or anything like that here, just check the Wikipedia page or google around. For me, their finest hour came with the 'Everlasting' EP (one of the best European hardcore records from the '90s IMHO), and not with the subsequent full-lengths,...

Wednesday, August 11, 2010

Posted by Anonymous |
Alex Barreto and Paul Hertz aka Frosty (Chain of Strength etc), Andy Alvarez (Pushed Aside, Mindwar, etc.) & Shaun Ross (Excel) are on the lookout for a vocalist in the Los Angeles area to complete this lineup for a new hardcore/thrash project that has been in the works for a few months. Influences include Void, Negative Approach, BL'AST! & Black Sabbath... Serious inquiries to singerinfo@gmail.com for more in...

Monday, August 9, 2010

Posted by Anonymous |
Pre-sale tickets available here - http://tickets.frontgatetickets.com/choose.php?a=1&lid=46107&eid=53...

Sunday, August 8, 2010

Posted by xCHIPxSEM | File under : , , , ,
If you were part of the straight edge scene in the 1990's, theres a good chance you owned a pair of JNCO's. Be it jeans or jean shorts, JNCOs were all the rage and (most) everyone wore them. Im not sure who was the first to start wearing them and influence an entire generation of kids to wear enormous pants but I'd really like to find out. I never wore the pants because to be quite honest, living in Miami I can wear shorts year-round. To this day...

Saturday, August 7, 2010

Posted by xCHIPxSEM | File under : , , ,
I got in touch with Josh Grabelle from Trustkill Records/Bullet Tooth to look back on his catalog of releases and tell us what his 5 favorite releases have been.Bullet For My Valentine “The Poison”This one is pretty obvious to me as a choice. This was one of those signings that EVERY label or A&R person wishes they could score. The band was unheard of, from overseas (Wales), never been to the US, no manager or agent, etc. When I showed them...