Monday, November 30, 2009

Posted by jav | File under :
Bloodlet is in my top 5 favorite bands of all time. This 7" makes me wish I was watching them again.I don't remember when i first got this bootleg, but the copy that i recorded is not my original copy. That was a second press copy, with the cover colored in orange. I got this first press copy on ebay about 2 weeks after i sent my copy to Justin to be recorded. I was so stoked to find the first press copy on red that i told Justin to keep the one...
Posted by XhcnoirX |
Ripped and uploaded by request. This compilation was released by Pin Drop Records in 1995. The label was run by one of the guys in Holdstrong, the 1st band on here, other bands on the label include Die My Will and Grimlock, you can't ask for much better references than that! The other bands on here are Brother's Keeper, Cross Current and Hatebreed. The Hatebreed track is one of their first proper recordings. Their track on here, 'Mark My Words',...

Sunday, November 29, 2009

Posted by xCHIPxSEM |
There really isnt a lot of content on it yet because we just made it but add us so we can keep everyone even more up to date.Stuck In The Past on Mysp...
Posted by Anonymous | File under : , , ,

Saturday, November 28, 2009

Posted by xjustinx | File under : , ,
Lately, I've been noticing some confusion and debate on the internet over whether Indecision was a straight edge band or not. I always thought it was common knowledge that weren't a straight edge band, but that they simply contained a couple of members that didn't shy away from being vocal about being straight edge.The confusion stretches back as far as Indecision's first 7", which contained a straight edge song called "Loyal". Not only that, but...

Thursday, November 26, 2009

Posted by Anonymous |
From any CD from the website, and pick 2 free ones. Yep, that’s three for the price of one! Get something for yourself and grab a couple for gifts or whatever. Full length, physical CDs only (not downloads). Starting now until the end of the year. Here’s what you do: Go here. Place your order for a CD. Then, include in the optional message area or send a separate email (at the time of your order) and let us know which 2 FREE CDs...

Wednesday, November 25, 2009

Posted by Anonymous | File under : , , ,
For fans of One Step Ahead, 411 and Verbal Assault. Damn good stuff. - Accept LP [2009 - Amendment Records]
Posted by xCHIPxSEM |
Recently, Ive noticed more and more foreign bands (foreign to the US) releases are becoming harder to acquire in the US. Unfortunately, most people don't want to pay the foreign postage to get these releases and most bands end up going unnoticed. To fill this void, Ive been toying with the idea of starting a distro to sell foreign bands releases in the US. If you are in a band outside of the US or run a label based outside of the US, shoot me an email and talk to me about wholesale pricing. Im sick of seeing so many great bands going unnoticed...

Tuesday, November 24, 2009

Posted by jav | File under :
On August 26th, 1994, one of my favorite bands in the whole world played their last show. Little did i know that a few years later they would be playing again, but that's neither here nor there.Outspoken's moniker was fitting. Their music and lyrics embodied an emotional side of hardcore that is rarely seen. I can't imagine where they would have done had they stayed together, but as they say "all good things must come to an end."Good thing i wasn't...
Posted by Anonymous |
Dan Rawe's Flickr photo set - Schreifels at Alex's Bar, 11/22/09Walter Schreifels at Alex's Bar, 11/22/09Jonah Matranga at Alex's Bar, 11/22...

Monday, November 23, 2009

Posted by xCHIPxSEM | File under : , , ,
Ive heard rumors of a possible Abhinanda reunion early next year in Japan. Ive emailed Jose to find out if these rumors are true, but this has seriously gotten my attention. Ive also heard that Taken is playing this fest...Ive also gotten in touch with Hiro (Loyal to the Grave, ex-Statecraft) to find out more info. Keep checking back and Ill get all the info I can. Is it bad that Im seriously considering going back to Japan for this (not that I need...

Sunday, November 22, 2009

Posted by xCHIPxSEM |
I apologize for my lack of posting and material lately but I had family in visiting as well as term papers due for school. Basically, Ive been incredibly busy. Tonight, I bring you an interview with the UK's Slavearc from Abstraction Zine #3. The year was not given but Im assuming its around 1998 as there is an interview with Another Victim where they talk about their first upcoming EP. Great band...Im in the process of acquiring both Slavearc CDs...
Posted by Anonymous |

Wednesday, November 18, 2009

Posted by xjustinx |
My first knowledge of Motive came with the release of their "Doctrine of Scripted Torture" 7 inch that came out on Exit Records in 1997, and I never really gave much thought to what could have come before that. Nick from Limited Pressing recently sent me two releases that came out before that 7" that introduced me to the band. Since I don't know anything about the band prior to that release, Nick gave me a little write up as well:When people think...
Posted by Anonymous |

Tuesday, November 17, 2009

Posted by xCHIPxSEM | File under : , , , ,
As I was leaving school today, I decided to put on Glasseater, a band I hadn't heard in quite some time. My old band, Destro, shared members with them and were extremely good friends for quite some time until we had a falling out (one which will not be explained so please don't even ask). When they started out, they had a sound somewhat in the vein of New Day Rising with the whole singing/screaming melodic with breakdowns sound. They really blew...
Posted by Anonymous |

Monday, November 16, 2009

Posted by Anonymous |
I found this via a Google search and downloaded, listened to and dug it, so I decided to post it on here. Everything below was originally posted by Fritzler (via Wikipedia) on his now defunct blog Sounds Like Sunday.Evergreen was a Southern California underground post-punk band from the early-to-mid 1990s. They had several releases over their lifespan, including two 7"s, a split 7" with Los Angeles hardcore/screamo band Still Life, and a much sought...
Posted by XhcnoirX | File under : , , ,
A demo by a Swedish hardcore band from the '90s that Henrik hasn't put up on his awesome Bring Honor Or Walk Away blog, can it be true? Yes, it can. I used to hang out on several IRC channels in the mid '90s and got to know this Swedish kid called Micke, nickname xgovx, that way. As it turned out he played bass in this vegan sXe hardcore band called Sentinel 5, and he eventually sent me their demo. Sentinel 5 from Boden in the north of Sweden started...

Sunday, November 15, 2009

Posted by xCHIPxSEM |
Edwin has been a strong supporter of the blog since the inception and we couldnt be happier to have him on board to help us out. He still runs One Path and will continue to do so while helping us o...
Posted by xCHIPxSEM | File under : , ,
Marktheshark asked me to post this a while back and I just kept forgetting. What can I say? I have a bad memory...either way, here's the demo for Anthem Boy. To be quite honest, I don't know really know much about the band except they featured members of Birthright. With a name like Anthem Boy (taken from the first track on Split Lip's "For The Love Of The Wounded" record), you might expect some sort of emo-core but these 3 songs sound more like...

Saturday, November 14, 2009

Posted by xCHIPxSEM |
Shoot me an email whenever you have a chanceDancefloorjustice305@yahoo....

Wednesday, November 11, 2009

Posted by xCHIPxSEM | File under : , , ,
Here we have an interview with Cleveland's Integrity. This was originally printed in Holiday Fanzine #7. No date was given but given the content of the interview we can assume its from 1994 or 95. This took place prior to the release of "Systems Overload" and also touches on the falling out between the band and Victory Recor...

Tuesday, November 10, 2009

Posted by Anonymous |
Crisis Records' (Rev imprint) recording artist Autumn is reuniting for it's first show in 11 years at the Kung Fu Knecktie in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania on 12/7/09. According to, "Mix 108 with emo-core and you'll come up with this Pennsylvania outfit's moving sounds." Sounds good to ...

Sunday, November 8, 2009

Posted by jav |
In the mid 90's, the Southern California hardcore scene was dominated by baggy jeans, basketball jerseys, open E chugs, and lots and lots of boys.Then, PALEFIRE popped out of nowhere and helped meld the chug of hardcore with the beauty of the "emo" scene. Equal parts Dahlia Seed, Snapcase, and Copper, Palefire was something different in a scene full of cookie-cutter/cookie-monster bands.The band was just as comfortable playing at Koo's Arts cafe...

Saturday, November 7, 2009

Posted by xCHIPxSEM | File under : , ,
Our good friends at Hellfish just posted the next installment in their year long Disembodied limited designs and its a good one. The 1968 classic, "Night of the Living Dead" immortalized on a tshirt. Head over to their site and check out merch from some other great bands including Seven Generations, Creatures, Foundation, Integrity and more.Hellfish Family Merch Online St...
Posted by xjustinx |
x43xI just went through the settings, and noticed that I could import posts from another blog, so I imported all the posts from my old x43x blog. Everything is now integrated into the timeline here on Stuck In The Past, and should be able to find. This includes posts about Backside Disaster, Chokehold, fortydaysrain, Despair, and tons mo...

Friday, November 6, 2009

Posted by xCHIPxSEM |
Anything from Umea in the 90s...Abhinanda, Doughnuts (Victory designs as well), Refused, Shield, Desperate Fight me at Dancefloorjustice305@yahoo....

Thursday, November 5, 2009

Posted by Anonymous |
Posted by xCHIPxSEM | File under : , ,
I stumbled across this on A Reasonable Guide to Horrible Noise blog while searching around. All credit goes to them as well as the upload link being theirs as well. The demo that helped get them signed to Victory Records and begin the legend that would become Snapcase.Snapcase - Solid State Demo
Posted by xjustinx |
There are currently a couple of great 90's hardcore test presses up on ebay.First, there's a test press of the first Throwdown 7" that's up here: there's also a test press of the Falling Down (Day of Suffering) - Life Before Machine 7" that's up here:'m sure that both of these will go for money far outside of my range, so you should feel free...

Wednesday, November 4, 2009

Posted by xjustinx | File under : , , ,
Exit Records released a slew of incredible records in the mid-late 90s, and Sons Of Abraham's "Termites In His Smile" is surely no exception. The double bass and crazy lead guitar work always made me want to lose my shit. To top it off, this was an all Jewish band, as can be heard in lyrics like "no presents for Christmas...". Throughout their brief time together, Sons Of Abraham only recorded a demo, a split 7" with Indecision, and this LP. ...
Posted by xjustinx |
A message from At Both Ends:Hey everyone, I just wanted to let you know that the At Both Ends magazine / 2x7” package is up for preorder. I’m really excited with how this has turned out and can’t wait for people to get this in their hands. In about 3 weeks or so it will be shipping so the fastest way to get your hands on a copy is by heading over to and following the instructions there. Any questions about this should be...

Tuesday, November 3, 2009

Posted by xCHIPxSEM |
My buddy Carlos scanned and sent this to me a few weeks ago and Im just now getting around to posting it. Here have an interview with Mouthpiece from Maximum Rock N Roll August 19...

Sunday, November 1, 2009

Posted by Anonymous |
Posted by xCHIPxSEM |
A limited webstore version of the Screaming For A Life Worth Living 7" is now available in the Surprise Attack store. It's on red vinyl with a special cover limited to 59 copies or you can order it in a package deal with the black vinyl!Limited Red Vinyl with a Special CoverPackage Deal on Black VinylUnrestrained on Mysp...