Thursday, December 31, 2009

Posted by Anonymous | File under : ,
Collateral Damage - s/t [1994 - Indecision Records] Lohman - lead vocalsEvan Jacobs - guitarJeff Caudill - bassMichael "Popeye" Vogelsang - drumsbacking vocals provided by Jae Hansel, Matt Enright and The Dam...
Posted by jav | File under : , ,
Found this newsletter on the back of a flier for a show featuring Ignite, Stalag 13 and Eyelid. Pretty cool to see stuff being talked about before it came out, 13 years later. It's basically a heads up as to what bands broke up, and what bands rose from their ashes....

Wednesday, December 30, 2009

Posted by XhcnoirX | File under : ,
My all-time favorite band from Belgium is Kindred. However, all good things come to an end eventually, and Kindred was no exception. Shortly after Kindred's demise in late 1997, a couple of Kindred members got together with some friends and formed the first line-up of a new band, called Enemy Of The Sun. Things didn't work out however, and quickly the band folded again. A few months afterwards all 4 Kindred members got together again, added a 2nd...
Chances are if you bought a zine in the mid 90s, you would have seen an ad for Lost & Found Records out of Germany. Looking back, the label seriously ripped off nuermous bands yet bands continued to release records with him. I remember reading an interview with Sick Of It All in Hardware where they said confronted him but didnt go too much in depth about it. While it was a pretty scummy thing, the label did make releases that were either out...

Tuesday, December 29, 2009

Posted by xCHIPxSEM |
Currently, there isnt much in the webstore but I have placed orders and am currently waiting for them to come in. Expect releases from:Loyal to the GraveNueva EticaBrand New DayPasqua/Uprising ADAbhinandaFC FiveCrystal Lake/Risen/UnboyThe True PathExtinguish the FireThe Document "CompilationVerdictAnchorConfrontoVerdict/HoyEsElDia/ShiverAspireLiarLength of TimeArkangelPlus loads more. You can check out the bare-bones store I have right will be updated as new items come in. As always, if you there is something you want, let me know and...

Monday, December 28, 2009

Posted by xCHIPxSEM | File under : , ,
Dipping out of the 90s a little, I recently got a copy of the 2 song Cast From Eden demo. This was recorded in 2002 and eventually was re-recorded for their full length on Catalyst Records. The backside cover gives the full explanation so I wont go too much into it but I ripped this as a VBR so its nice and loud. EnjoyCast From Eden - 2002 Demo

Sunday, December 27, 2009

Posted by XhcnoirX | File under : ,
This Belgian H8000 band is mostly known for their contribution to the Animal Truth compilation from 1998. Their song on there, 'Fight For Existence', is often ridiculed as one of the worst songs in vegan sXe hardcore history. And the band was not taken too seriously either during their short lifetime. However, I've always loved that song, and the band was decent to good the few times I saw them. I still have one of their 'straight edge militia' t-shirts...

Saturday, December 26, 2009

Posted by xCHIPxSEM | File under : , , ,
So I've made it official: Ive started my distro. The purpose of this is to sell my friends bands music in America, a place where people still are not as receptive to foreign bands. The main problem is foreign shipping. The cost that Americans have to spend to receive an order tends to equal or exceed the cost of whatever they order so by buying in bulk or making large orders through the labels, I can cut down on the cost and help expose great bands...

Thursday, December 24, 2009

Posted by Anonymous |
Teaser #1 from Matt Garland on Vimeo.From are currently gathering images and footage of mosh pits, concerts, etc. for the film if you would like to submit any media contact us at info@intothepitfilm.comAlso If your interested in being interviewed for the film send us an email telling us a little about yourself and why you think you would be a good subject for the topic of our documentary. For more information about the project...

Wednesday, December 23, 2009

Posted by XhcnoirX | File under : ,
Someone requested this comp on the xStuck In The Pastx forum, so here it is. This is the second installment, out of three, of the East Coast Assault compilations. This is a 2 disc compilation with 17 bands each contributing 2 or more tracks. Stylistically it is quite diverse and the same can be said for the quality (unfortunately). I've never been into Commin' Correct for instance, old 25 Ta Life is where it's at if we're talking Rick Ta Life. And...

Sunday, December 20, 2009

Posted by Anonymous |
One or two of you may be interested in these, so here they are. Enjoy. Or something.ICE - Making Up For Lost Time EP [1992 - Ringside Records] - L'Chaim EP [1993 - Ringside Records]

Friday, December 18, 2009

Posted by XhcnoirX |
As I'm sort of doing 'Euro' posts on here now, I figured I'd put up a list of all the 'Euro' posts I've made on my other blog, One Path For Me Through Destiny.187 (Belgium, H8000): demo (post)Agni Hotra (Poland): demo / Govinda CD / Krsna CD (post)A Way Of Life (France): everything but the demo (post) / demo (post)Born From Pain (Netherlands): demo (post)Kindred (Belgium): live-set (post)Length Of Time (Belgium): demo (post)Right Direction (Netherlands): split 7" with Warzone (post)Slavearc (UK): demo (post)Stalemate (Germany): demo / 7" (post)Trapped...

Thursday, December 17, 2009

Posted by xCHIPxSEM | File under : , , ,
Strongarm is the one Christian hardcore band that, if you ask anyone who digs 90s hardcore, they seem to like regardless of lyrical content or beliefs (as well as Focal Point). Growing up in South Florida, Strongarm never seemed too preachy when they played. Sure they said a thing here and there but they never held prayer circles or anything (at least not that I can remember). They basically got on stage and said "We're Strongarm, this is what we believe, if you don't its cool". I had never seen this video before but the recording of the song...

Wednesday, December 16, 2009

Posted by xjustinx |
Things have been exceptionally busy for me lately. Once the holiday combination of Thanksgiving/Christmas/New Year's is looming over us all, my work load doubles. In addition to that, I've been in a math class. Anyone that knows me, knows that math is my arch nemesis. I'm a whiz with literature and social sciences, but math goes over my head in every possible regard. It debilitates my life, and steals far too much time from me. However, I got...

Tuesday, December 15, 2009

Posted by xCHIPxSEM | File under : , ,
Since Jav put up the Bloodlet live 7 inch, I thought it would be a good idea to continue the trend and put up an interview from Rumpshaker #3. Again, Ive expressed how great this zine is/was as Eric conducted his interviews with a sense of humor able to ask serious questions but still keep the read fun (quote: Eric "Theres no happiness in Bloodlet?") . There is nothing worse than a stuffy interviewer asking the same questions to each band about the...

Sunday, December 13, 2009

Posted by Anonymous |
01. You Make My Life So Easy (Self-Titled 7", 1996 Roc Quarry)02. Catching Up (Self-Titled 7", 1996 Roc Quarry)03. Homesick (Self-Titled 7", 1996 Roc Quarry)04. Backseat Driver (100 Words For Snow/I Wish I split 7", 1997 Roc Quarry)05. Collide (100 Words For Snow/Impel split 7", 199x Redwood)06. Closure at Terminal 14 (V/A - Songs for the Brokenhearted CD, 1998 Glue Factory)07. The Last Word (Unknown)

Friday, December 11, 2009

Posted by Anonymous |

Thursday, December 10, 2009

Posted by xCHIPxSEM |
Get at me. Dancefloorjustice305@yahoo....
Posted by jav |
..then so am ihi. im jav. im 32, im unemployed, have a 7 year old kid, and i dont remember the last time i was this stoked on hardcore.i am currently filming a short movie, in which i interview people about what their favorite hardcore band is. here's a traileri also sing in a band called the Mistake. we have a full length record coming out on Hellfish Family in January. 2010 should be an awesome also stoked to be a part of this blog. i have a lot to contribute that i've just been too busy to do, but hopefully Justin and Chip won't be the...

Wednesday, December 9, 2009

Posted by Anonymous |
Hey guys, Jake here.I realize that there are still several days left in the year but after reading Chip's update below, I thought I'd write a little end of the year post as well.This year has definitely been one of the worst years of my entire life mostly due to me losing my job and being owed about $5,200 from my former employer which I may never receive. That being said, my involvement with xStuck In The Pastx has definitely been one of the few bright spots of this year for me. Beginning with Chip and Justin posting the interview that I did...
Posted by xCHIPxSEM |
Hey everyone,Hope you guys are enjoying the holiday season. I just wanted to give you a quick update on the next few days for of this morning, I have officially finished school. I graduate on Saturday morning and will officially be a college graduate (only took me 12 years). My parents are coming up so I will be entertaining this weekend so very little posting from me while they are here. Ill be in town until the 18th, then I head to Miami...

Tuesday, December 8, 2009

Posted by xjustinx | File under : , ,
Burst of Silence circa 1993 with Kyle from Grade singing along.As a follow up to the Burst of Silence interview that Chip posted last week, here are some Burst of Silence recordings. They played some excellent, chunky hardcore similar to other bands of the era like Chokehold, Canon, etc. None of these are my original rips, so I spent some time trying to clean them up, re-master them and just make the best out of their relatively low bit rate quality.First...

Monday, December 7, 2009

Posted by jav | File under :
Man, this record isn't even mid-nineties. It's fucking EARLY 90's.Neck Deep is a relatively obscure Orange County band. They played some of the first shows i really remember going to, in 1992 and 1993. Mostly playing with bands like Function, Blackspot and Outspoken. In fact, I have a flier with that exact line up.The 7" was recorded in 1992. Musically, it does remind me of early Outspoken... kind of stompy, kind of melodic, kind of mid-tempo,...
Posted by Anonymous |
Become a fan of the Facebook page for all of the up to the minute info as well as video journals, photos, etc. -

Sunday, December 6, 2009

Posted by XhcnoirX |
One of the most prominent 'new school' hardcore bands in the Netherlands during the '90s was Reveal. Reveal started out under the name S5 with a different guitarist and drummer. Singer Geert and bassist Dave were around from the start right up until the end of Reveal. Based in a small town called Dongen in the south of the Netherlands, they quickly managed to start a local hardcore scene and crew of friends called the DongArmy. With S5 they used...

Friday, December 4, 2009

Posted by xCHIPxSEM | File under : , , , ,
Just spoke to my man Jon Dennison from Unholy and he passed on the info that they just shot a video for the song "These Wounds Will Never Heal". Pick up their new album, New Life Behind Closed Eyes, on Prosthetic Records if you haven...

Thursday, December 3, 2009

Posted by Anonymous |
I realize that xStuck In The Pastx is not the appropriate forum for personal posts, so Chip or Justin, feel free to delete this if you'd like.I'll try to keep this as brief as I possibly can - 3 weeks ago, all of my former co-workers and I were sent home early due to the fact that our employer was unable to make payroll. A week later, we were all officially laid off. Due to the company filing bankruptcy, we did not receive our final paychecks for...
Posted by xCHIPxSEM | File under :
Today I bring you an interview with Burst of Silence. This was originally printed in View Point Fanzine #1 in 1993. If you haven't heard Burst of Silence, check out their Myspace. Justin has an unreleased record from them so Ill ask him to post it in the near futu...

Wednesday, December 2, 2009

Posted by xCHIPxSEM |
This was requested a few weeks back and I finally got around to upping it. Sorry for the wait. Earlier this year, I upped the demo that Santa Sangre cut for Eulogy...check that out here. Heres the demo that was released on Surprise Attack Records and quickly sold out. Featuring members of Another Victim, Unholy, All Hell Breaks Loose, Terror, Path of Resistance, and (sometimes member) Earth CrisisSanta Sangre - D...

Tuesday, December 1, 2009

Posted by xCHIPxSEM |
Monster, guitar player for Purification, sent me this message with an update on the semi-reformed Italian band."Hi ThereEveryone interested in booking a show for the Purification "Reunion Tour" should send an email to Onward Booking booking@onwardagency.comThey will get back to you with the details, the tour will be scheduled for the end of July 2010.Warm RegardsPurificat...
I got this demo in 2000 at a show my old band played with Hamartia and 7 Angels 7 Plagues in Philly. They were killer that day and we became friends with them. To the best of my knowledge, this is the only recording they did outside of the full length on Goodlife but man is it great. I actually downloaded this one a few years ago so this is not my rip (my demo is at my parents house). Ill scan the cover when I go visit them for the holidays. Here's Hamartia's 3 song 2000 demoHamartia - D...