Disembodied played their first show in years last night in Minneapolis. I have yet to hear anything from how the show was (Im sure it was amazing) but a Disembodied fan site posted their setlist. If you love Disembodied, prepare for your head to explode. Also check out the Disembodied fan site for all things up coming as well as the Disembodied Myspace. 6 days til Burning Fight

It's official, I'm going home in a bodybag. Someone please help my wife arrange the funeral services in her time of need.
i'd do that for yuu, justin, but i'm afraid the same fate awaits me.
I finally secured a ticket for Burning Fight (and at original price). If Disembodied plays Barbituate during their Chicago set, I guarantee I won't be leaving alive.
this show is going to be freaking amazing. i will hurt on monday!
I wish I was able to attend this. I couldn't get a ticket in time. At least I've seen them like 5 times when they were around before. Absurdly heavy live. I predict at least 9 people dying during Bloodshed Rain.
hey here's a copy of the disemboded set if you would like to share it on your site please do -thanks ohwellmonkey
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