Sunday, August 30, 2009

Posted by xjustinx |
This summary is not available. Please click here to view the po...
Posted by xCHIPxSEM |
Molesting, a poster on the Catalyst Records board, posted a link to UnityHxC which has a section on 90s hardcore cover art and the explanations behind them. The really cool thing about it is that you can see, side by side, the original as well as the cover. Really really cool site which you should check out if you are into that sort of thing (I am). The only downside is some of the descriptions are in French without a translation but hey, minor setback....
Posted by xCHIPxSEM |
I remember the first time I saw Bleeding Through...Hellfest 2001. My friend told me they were the side project of Eighteen Visions. I watched a song or 2 and I thought they were pretty good, but nothing special. Then...I heard "Dust To Ashes" and said "Holy shit, these guys are good". It was the perfect mix of metal with a hardcore influence. Who would have known they would become one of the biggest bands in metal/hardcore. This was recorded right...
Posted by Anonymous |
One Step Ahead - Remission 7" single and Breaking The Silence 12" EP [1991 - Nemesis Records] early '90s Southern California melodic hardcore. Not readily available online, so I thought I'd do a post for it on here. Enjoy....
Posted by xCHIPxSEM |
Our friend in crime, Jav, just scanned and sent this to us. Here we have an interview with Chicago's always controversial, Race Traitor from Maximum Rock N Roll in 1997. This is another band that I always felt was regional since no one in South Florida was real into them. I knew very little about them for many years but I can definitely appreciate them now especially after reading their chapter in Brian Petersen's "Burning Fight" book. Big thanks...

Saturday, August 29, 2009

Posted by xjustinx |
The zine is coming along really well and the finishing touches are being added to a lot of articles right now. This thing is going to be great and I can’t wait to have it back from the printer.If anyone is still interested in ads then I can definitely include them but time is getting really tight. The magazine goes off to the printer the day after Labor Day so time is really tight. If you want to advertise then please get in touch with me right...
Posted by xCHIPxSEM |
Heres an interview with Eighteen Visions from Status volume 10, Fall 1999. This was conducted right after they signed to Trustkill but before they released "Until the Ink Runs Out". Awesome picture of Brenden rocking a basketball jersey on the first page. Also Jav is called James in the beginni...

Friday, August 28, 2009

Posted by xCHIPxSEM |
Chase from Prime Directive Records passed this info on to us. Finally...these songs will be heard the way they were meant to be heard. But let Chase tell you all about it.Disembodied "Psalms of Sheol" -- a collection of out of print, rare and unreleased tracks -- is available now on CD. Re-mastered by the band to sound heavier and more brutal than ever. 13 songs taken from "Existence in Suicide" CDep, "Confession" 7", "Bootleg" 7", and compilations.These...

Thursday, August 27, 2009

Posted by xCHIPxSEM |
Got this in the mail yesterday...continuing my love for my boys in the Keeper. From the Continuum t...
Posted by xCHIPxSEM |
My dear friend, Mike Turley, requested a scan of the Threadbare record "Feeling Older Faster" so here we are. I remember the first time I heard Threadbare...the Anti-Matter comp. I remember reading the liner notes and Norm Brannon (Arenas) said he felt this band would always be underappreciated. I have to agree...I think the band was a regional thing because in South Florida I could count on 1 hand how many kids knew who they were. Either way, they...
Posted by xCHIPxSEM |
Ahhh, the Initial Records catalog. Sure there were other labels putting out big catalogs to include the distros they carried but Initial always had a leg up on the competition. Did they carry a lot of the same releases that other labels and distros did? Yup. Did they try to include witty descriptions of the releases like the other labels and distros did? Yes sir (or maam). BUT...what they did do that no others did was include a chart to to describe...

Sunday, August 23, 2009

Posted by xjustinx |
I got a request for this 7" quite a while ago, but I'm just now getting around to it for some reason. I've given this a few spins over the years, and it's pretty good. The music falls into what could be deemed slightly heavier hardcore given its timeframe of 1991. Since there isn't even contact info for the band on the insert, I really have known nothing about this band, so all of my information has actually come from Dennis, who requested it.Relapse...
Posted by xjustinx |
In the mid to late 90s, Dissolve were one of the few bands starting to do truly interesting things in the realm of metalcore. Hailing from Poughkeepsie, NY, Dissolve were still able to stand out amongst such great contemporaries as All Out War, Drowning Room, Overcast, etc. This full length, Caveman of the Future was originally intended to come out on MIA Records in 2000, but just after putting out releases for Indecision, Darkest Hour, Candiria,...

Saturday, August 22, 2009

Posted by xjustinx |
For those that know me, I tend to be a pretty nice guy, but I often hear that some people think I'm an asshole. It's probably the sarcastic cynic in me that some people just never get past. This also heavily extends to my humor. Cynical, sarcastic things make me laugh the most, and that's probably why I love reading Metal Inquisition so much. One of my favorite contributors to that site is Sergeant D, and today we are blessed with a guest writeup...
Posted by xjustinx |
Balance of the World existed in Seattle from 1993 to 1995, and originally appeared under the name Spearhead. Their sound encompassed that distinguishable 90s NWHC sound that was evident in counterparts like Undertow and Strain, but their sound also had leads and vocals that could be reminiscent of a band like Mean Season. They played many shows in once revered Seattle area venues like the Velvet Elvis and Ground Zero, and played those shows with...
Posted by xjustinx | File under : , ,
Still one of the only Christian bands I've ever truly loved, here's the full length release from CA's Focal Point. This came out on Tooth & Nail at the tail end of 1995, and according to their site, is now out of print. Two of the three songs that were on the "Neglected" 7inch from Life Sentence Records were re-recorded and included on this eleven track full length. Members of Focal Point have gone on to be in awful bands like Training For...

Friday, August 21, 2009

Posted by xCHIPxSEM |
Hey everybody, hope you are all enjoying what is left of the summer. Im finishing up what is left of my vacation in South Florida visiting my folks and getting ready to head back up to Tallahassee and finish my last semester of college (hey it only took me an eternity).I just wanted to address something in regards to the requests people have been making in the widget. We (myself, Justin and Jake) do appreciate all the feedback, suggestions and requests you all have made. We do check the requests as well as the suggestions on the message board but...

Thursday, August 20, 2009

Posted by xCHIPxSEM |
Doors are $15 but more donations are accepted. Wish I could make it out to this...

Wednesday, August 19, 2009

Posted by xCHIPxSEM |
One of my current favorite bands, Eye of Judgement (which also includes one of my favorite dudes, Jasper), is releasing their new record with Catalyst Records. Pre-orders just went up and include the CD, a limited edition t-shirt that will only be availble through this package, and another Catalyst release. You get all this for only $16. You can pre-order this package he...

Tuesday, August 11, 2009

Posted by xCHIPxSEM |
The new band from Steven Miller, formerly of Unbroken and Kill Holiday, continues in the direction that Kill Holiday was heading but adds a little more aggression. The band also features Marc Jackson who did time in Throwdown, Wrench and Cold War. The demo is definitely worth a download and you can you do so on their Myspace page. Be on the lookout for more in...