In honor of the "Straight Edge Means I Have No Friends" tshirt I have coming in the mail, I thought it would fun to take a look back at the old Andrew Thomas Company catalog. Unfortunately, I lost mine many years ago when I had 3 bags full of zines accidentally thrown out. Fortunately, Bridge 9 user Evan D answered my call and scanned in the images for me and sent it as a download. I still have a few of the designs but this seriously takes me back. For now, check out the scans...expect a full post on 90s hardcore clothing companies soon. Again, big thanks to Evan D for scanning this.
i had the Drug Free stormtrooper shirt forever. it was amazing.
there was a dude from Buffalo who made some cool sxe shirts in the 90s.. one had a Sesame Street logo/ theme. on the back said "brought to you by the letter X and the number 95". another company had Elmo holding a banner that said STRAIGHT EDGE.
good times.
I still have the stormtrooper shirt...and I remember that Sesame Street design.
i definitely know a few people who could definitely rock a "straight edge means i have no friends" shirt without an ounce of irony.
I had the 'Sally just found out...' shirt. I was thinking of ATC a few months ago, but Google did not really find anything :-)
I had the Taco Bell SXE, Drug Free Stormtrooper and the Sweathogs Straightedge which I still wear regularly. ATC was great. I think the best SXE shirts were created in the 90's. A lot of the stuff put out today by labels like Bridge 9 just look weak in comparison. That's why I'm always looking for bootlegs and reproductions of the old style!
I'm looking to buy a Drug Free Stormtrooper design!
I'll pay top dollar for it!
Sm-Md is all I will buy!
I have the sesame street one tucked away somewhere. It is most likely way too small on me now. It was awesome ...
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