My man Ryan Hex sent me this scan of an interview Earth Crisis did with Alternative Press in which they address the yogurt/fur coat incident at Middlesex College in New Jersey. From what I remember hearing, it was Sean McCabe from Ink & Dagger who threw the yogurt. Ryan apologized to me and Im apologizing to all of you, but the scan cuts a little off the sides on the second page because the magazine wouldnt fit on the scanner properly. Anyway, enjoy...big thanks to Ryan for sending this on over.

I was at that show. And I was right up front. When Karl threw the kid off stage, his elbow hit my eye.
Aside from that, it was a great time.
Awesome interview! Thanks for posting
I was at this show too. I was 14 and had only first heard of Earth Crisis a few weeks before this show. This was actually the show that made me go vegan, I'm not sure if I thought "I don't want to be an asshole like that kid in the fur coat so I'm going vegan" or "I don't want to get beat up like that kid in the fur coat so I'm going to be vegan" it was probably a combination of the two. I remember being intensely embarrassed for wearing generic Berkinstocks which were leather and 'so' un-hardcore. So I made sure my extra wide leg generic JNCO's were covering my feet at all times.
i was behind Bulldog's bass rig/rack when the yogurt was thrown. it took a second to realize what the vaguely familar taste was.
After that i wasn't sure really sure what was going on at the front of the stage. i did notice some people i happened to be friends with looking like they were about to have words with EC.
i believe the one with "fur" coat (i later learned it was fake) was Pat TDT.
Sean McCabe was the instigator if i'm not mistaken, after which other followed suit like typical lemmings. They know who they were.
strange times.
Standard Syracuse/NJ schism.
that was a great show...
and there were also dickish kids with super soakers full of milk, but i guess they didn't feel like breaking them out. what really sucked was that a lot of the kids who were chucking yogurt and shit were sort of buddies of mine. i had no idea they felt that way, until then... and some of us ended up confused/fighting during the melee.
and i was the one who made the nazi-million man march comment, hahaha. bastards biting me...
i'm surprised they didn't mention the gazillion cops who came or that karl's screaming was into a dead mic (they cut it when shit hit the fan)
Thanks for these scans and for all these stories.
i was there, the fur coat guy landed right on me. it sucked.
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