Please Note: There Is NO Download Link In This Post. Buy the record here
Battery had been around for 8 years or so before they signed with Revelation Records to release what would be their final album, "Whatever It Takes". Somewhat of a departure from their earlier material, "Whatever It Takes" went for more of a youth crew sound as opposed to their earlier fast but not quite old school sound. The band ended up only releasing one album with Rev and, if memory serves, the label printed 3 designs for the band which we'll take a look at.
The first was the simple block logo with the record title below it. The back featured a rehearsal photo from the insert of the record. To be honest, it's kinda boring. The shirt was printed on both athletic gray and on black but I feel like it's just a bland design and doesn't really work.
Moving on, the second design works real well on a tshirt but not a sweater. The front design is so small that it just feels like it gets lost on a hoodie. The photo is so good though...Brian McTernan holding out the mic and two X'ed up hands pointing back at him. The back featured a small Rev star in the middle but for some reason I didn't take a photo of it...not sure why. As far as I can remember, this was printed on both navy and black. The navy had the border in red (as pictured) while the black has the border in a blue.
Finally, we have the third design which is my personal favorite of the Rev era. Small oval logo on the front with "DC Straight Edge" below it and the great live photo of Graham Land airborne. I don't remember which other color this was printed on but I think it was black.