Chances are if you bought a zine in the mid 90s, you would have seen an ad for Lost & Found Records out of Germany. Looking back, the label seriously ripped off nuermous bands yet bands continued to release records with him. I remember reading an interview with Sick Of It All in Hardware where they said confronted him but didnt go too much in depth about it. While it was a pretty scummy thing, the label did make releases that were either out of print or had never been available on CD available. I mean I was 16 in could I get that first Turning Point 7 inch (which is still one of my favorite records) or even hear the "Chung King Can Suck It" record that was limited to 110 copies? So while he may have scumbagged people, he did make records available for us who weren't around to get em the first time. This particular ad is from a European zine so the print is in German and I cant read it but look at the releases he had out: Uniform Choice, Burn, Turning Point, Undertow, 108, Ignite. From what I understand, the label is more of a distro now focusing on other forms of music. If anyone can confirm that, let me know.

ugggg i cant believe how many of those cds i actually owned. viva l&f no care ever
also, LOL at "golden shower of 72 hits"
i tried to avoid L&F as much as possible, lucky me being old enough to get a hold of alot of records of my interest for normal prices... only memorable mentions and exceptions are URBAN WASTE, WIDE AWAKE and UNIT PRIDE - but don't pin me down on that. Ah, well, the UNITY "blood days" CD is a alltime favorite...
btw: where is the ad from?
An interesting read on this topic from the Livewire message board -
Unity's Blood Days = AWESOME.
Abs, trankis
I can confirm L&F is an all-over-the-place kinda distro/online department store nowadays, even selling regular clothes and underwear. They're also selling 'rare' stuff like cd-masters of their old releases and such, heh...
I used to have a bunch of L&F catalogs, they were huge, unfortunately they're all gone now. Some old friends of mine got signed by L&F back in the day, L&F was quite instrumental in the whole Eurocore scene (Rykers, Right Direction, Backfire, Brightside, Violation Of Trust, etc), but even back then they never ever set up a table at a show (at least not that I've seen/to my knowledge)...
And yeah, bastards as they were, they did make some stuff easily accessible... Besides the bands already mentioned, Malefice, Citizens Arrest and Deathwish also come to mind.
I bought my share of L & F releases. In the early 90's, it was the only way for me to even hear some of the music that was out. I didn't hear about them ripping off bands until I was done buying music.
Horizons: This was printed in Bloodred zine around late 1994 or early 1995. Ill scan the cover and post it later
Haha, I'm from Germany and I know Lost and Found stayed true! But instead of selling hardcore music, they sell hardcore porn now! At least they did the last time I saw their catalogue.
This guy is a millionaire now. Every average school boy/girl buys stuff like clothes, flags, bongs etc. there. This guy wanted to "promote" my band's (driving the salt) debut album and make us "big". So he offerd our label (sft records) to trade thousand of our album's copies against thousands of old lost and found shit. Haha...Guess what we and our label responded! Cheers, Patrick
as I said in a previous post L&F not only ripped off bands they ripped off the kids too.they turned from an hc lable/distro to a reggea/pop/techno/rap selling merch zine.I remember them selling hard to get or forbidden movies (fuck german censorship) even if it was highly restricted,that made me wonder because german law is very strict in this stupid point.
but they released some good records and I bought much stuff back then.
now its only a glimpse of what it was....
Lost & Found Records finally closed down its business as a distribution (mainly for street wear fashion and some music) as of December 31, 2016. Bernd Granz however announced that he will focus on punk records again and will open something new soon.
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