After posting the interview with Shane Durgee earlier, our co-conspirator Pauly Edge messaged me and told me that he had just scanned an interview with Conviction from Holocaust zine. Not sure of the year but Im assuming its arounfd 1993 or 1994. He also told me hes going to go through his zines and start scanning interviews so be on the look out

MORE STUFF from holocaust 'zine.
Most would not agree but I think the best issue was number three. But It didn't have one page of hardcore in it.
i hate this fucking interview and didn't want it public, beyond the zine. it won't be included with the lp. so enjoy.
Any chance the band that some of the members started after Conviction (Vigil) recorded material besides the song on the "Stones To Mark the Fire" CD?
Any chance Vigil (ex-members of Conviction) had material besides the song on the "Stones To Mark the Fire" CD?
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