From their Myspace:
Linus was a NJ based Hardcore band Based out of Red Bank NJ. Formed in Late 1996 and died sometime in 1998. We were 5 kids from the shore who liked to play together and write songs. From our first show on Plum Street to the last show we had nothing but fun. I wish i could answer what broke the band up but i dont think anyone knows for sure. We touched many souls in the little time we were together, Even today on the old website we are still getting people signing the guestbook. Linus played shows from here to Fla. Shows as small as 10 people to The Gainsville fest with god only knows how many people. We had a CDep out on Now or Never records. If you own that CD cherish it becuase you will never find it again. Now or never records is no more which means no more pressings.
Linus - Caffeine For The Heart
Thank you so much! I had this on an external that I lost long ago and have been searching for this forever.
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